
This Company Is Redefining Protein-Rich Nutrition Bars

If you’re still on the search for the perfect nutrition bar, look no further. True to their name, Perfect Bars are probably the closest you’re going to get to an all-around delicious, good-for-you protein-filled bar. They come in 7 different flavors, including the original peanut and almond butter, as well as carob chip, almond açaí, cranberry crunch, and fruit and nut.

Each bar is made with all-natural and nutritious freshly-ground peanut and almond butter and no preservatives whatsover. Listen up because Perfect Bars are changing the entire protein bar industry for the better.

Photo by Lauren Kruchten

The bars were thought up by a dad living in California, back when “health food” wasn’t really a thing yet. He heavily believed in health and fitness and that the right way to nourish your body was with whole foods. One day in the kitchen, he decided to grind up a bunch of dried fruits and vegetables with peanut butter and honey, and thus, the Perfect Bar was born.

These bars are perfect for several reasons. First of all, they contain 20 superfoods such as kale, spinach, and celery that are expertly integrated into the bars so that the taste of them isn’t too strong. They use only nutrient-dense organic whole foods to provide tons of vitamins and minerals your body needs. With these Perfect Bars, you can eat your veggies on-the-go, nourishing your body without even noticing.

Photo courtesy of @perfectbar on Instagram

Perfect Bars are also kosher, organic, gluten-free, and non-GMO. None of their ingredients used have been genetically modified and are 100% tested and certified. They use only nature’s freshest offerings, like peanut butter, honey, sunflower seed oil, and a variety of organic fruits and vegetables. Because of Perfect Bar’s all-natural ingredients list and lack of preservatives, they’re to be kept refrigerated or frozen until you’re ready to eat them. Therefore, you know it’s real.

Photo courtesy of @perfectbar on Instagram

Additionally, Perfect Bars are made with high-quality whole food protein, containing about 8g to 17g of protein in each bar. This makes them perfect for snacking on between classes, before or after a workout, or when you don’t have time to eat breakfast. They’re also sweetened with organic honey, nature’s natural sweetener. You won’t find any refined sugar or fake preservatives in these babies. Honey provides each bar with complex carbohydrates, keeping you energized all morning long.

Each bar ranges from 220 to 330 calories, making for a meal replacement when you’re super busy or a hefty snack when you really need the energy. They also offer the peanut and almond butter varieties in a mini size, which are only 100 calories each. The almond coconut bar is vegan as well, made from almond butter, organic dates, and coconut.

Photo courtesy of @nourishedbykale on Instagram

If you’re a health nut or just care about your body and health in general, I would seriously recommend investing in Perfect Bars. Not only are they super good for you physically, but mentally, it feels better knowing that you’re eating something with natural ingredients you’re actually aware what they are. Did I mention they’re also delicious and taste 1,000 times better than a chalky protein bar containing a ton of things you can’t even pronounce?

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