
Oreo Beer Might Make You Reconsider How Much You Actually Hate Beer

If you've ever uttered the words, "I'm not really a beer-drinker." Well, maybe you haven't tried combining beer with Oreos, yet. OK, yes, that still sounds kind of terrible, even to a regular beer drinker, but stay with me. Oreo Beer has hit this year's Texas State Fair and people are all about it.

According to the fair's guide, Oreo Beer from Barrera's features an American milk stout with an Oreo cookie tossed in. Then, the cup is lined with Oreo cream filling and rolled in crushed up cookie crumbs. The beer is said to taste like, "vanilla, brown sugar and cream, with hints of roasted coffee."

Honestly, that sounds delicious to me. I'd try it just for the Oreo-rim. But those who have tried this combo are leaving mixed reviews on social media.

Some say it's delicious.

Others are calling it out for being absolutely gross.   

I say, if you can get down to the Texas State Fair before it comes to an end on Oct. 22, give it a sip. And if not, well, at least Oreo seems to come out with a new flavor every week, so there will always be new ways to eat this beloved cookie.