
6 Things Every Nutrition Student Looks for on Nutrition Labels

College is hard. Whether it be stressing over the huge workload, living on your own for the first time, or worrying about the freshman 15, college is definitely something to grow white hairs over. But, you're in luck: believe it or not, the best remedies are in your own local grocery store. Look for foods that follow these guidelines to fuel up for those hectic days.

1. High Protein

Protein is essential for muscle development. Your body goes through an endless cycle of muscle gain and loss, and proteins help to replenish the amino acids necessary for muscle gain. Every time you workout, eating that piece of chicken gets you one step closer to gaining lean muscle. Protein also reduces hunger by making you feel more full. Therefore, you are more likely to eat fewer calories. Worthy protein sources include chicken, eggs, yogurt, and healthy protein bars

2. High Fiber

Foods containing high fiber are more dense and contain less calories. As a result, you can eat less while feeling fuller. Top-notch fiber sources are avocados, black beans, almonds, hummus

3. Low Processed Sugar

One teaspoon of sugar alone has 15 calories. That can easily add up in terms of calorie intake. For example, one serving of an average brownie has three teaspoons of sugar. That's an additional 45 calories consumed from sugar alone. You also have to take into account the rest of the brownie, which consists of calories from high levels of carbohydrates and fats. Foods high in sugar also don't keep you full like foods high in protein and fiber do. Therefore, you’re more inclined to eat more food increasing chances of weight gain.

Alternatives that will satisfy any sweet tooth are fresh fruit, dark chocolate, and frozen grapes

4. Low Saturated Fat

While protein and carbohydrates provide four calories per gram, fat provides nine calories per gram. Therefore, high fat foods can contribute to weight gain because of the extra calories. Eating too many fatty foods also makes you feel more sluggish. It isn’t easy for the body to digest saturated fats. The more effort the body puts into breaking down the food, the more tired you will feel.

Great lower fat alternatives are Greek yogurt, white meats, and egg whites

5. Zinc

Zinc has the ability to improve your immune system and prevent colds because it blocks bacteria from building up. Also, zinc can helps with brain function, ultimately improving your memory and your ability to learn. For those weeks where you have back-to-back tests, countless papers due, and a huge lab report to write, adding some zinc to your diet can help make the process of studying and memorizing a little easier.

Great brain power sources are spinach, flax seeds, salmon, brown rice, and chickpeas.

6. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an incredibly effective treatment of the common cold. It strengthens your immune system, therefore making it more resistant to infection. As the freshman plague continues to spread, add vitamin C to your meals to help combat that annoying cough and stuffy nose.

Vitamin C-rich foods include citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits), pineapples, and tomatoes.

Your grocery list can be the next step in alleviating your stressful college life. The next time you’re strolling the aisles of Whole Foods, look for these nutrients on the label.