
Need a pick-me-up? Check out Bizzy Coffee!

Let me start by saying that I'm a novice coffee drinker and have always preferred tea. But when I started college, with the long hours and endless studying, I found myself struggling to stay awake and focused throughout the day. Tea just wasn't doing the trick anymore. This began my search for the perfect cup of coffee.

I found a few key things that I look for in my perfect cup of coffee; it has to be easy to make, has to taste good and most importantly it has to get me going. After trying Bizzy Coffee's 2:1 Concentrate, I can tell you that it checks all of these boxes. 

Bizzy is easy to make

The 2:1 Concentrate comes pre-made in a 32 ounce jar and takes only seconds to prepare. Unlike my home machine, which requires a lot of time and effort, I simply poured it into a glass of ice, added a splash of almond milk and had a delicious, Instagram-worthy coffee. This is a game changer for busy mornings and will be perfect for in-between classes when I don't have a lot of time to spare.

Bizzy is delicious

I prefer to drink my coffee with milk. When I added it to Bizzy, I found a drink that was smooth, flavorful and not too bitter or too strong. Perfect for someone new to coffee like me. 

Bizzy gets me going 

During the past few months with the ongoing stress and demand of online classes, I have found coffee to be an important part of my day. Bizzy Coffee keeps me feeling alert and ready to go all day long, even through long and tedious Zoom calls.

So, if you are looking for a quick, easy, pick-me-up that's delicious, check out Bizzy Coffee.

You can find the 2:1 Concentrate and other delicious products here:,B0882MB22F,B0882WPWX1&lp_mat_key=cold%20brew%20maker&lp_query=bizzy%20cold%20brew&lp_slot=auto-sparkle-hsa-tetris&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_cta

Or at your local HyVee or Target!

Trust me, you will thank me later!