
15 Lessons We Learned From Anthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain was so much more than a cook or a TV host or a travel writer. He was an innovator in the culinary world, an advocate for cultural exploration, and a catalyst for change. 

Anthony Bourdain helped to transform far-away cultures and difficult cooking techniques into something achievable for the everyday citizen. His dark humor and refusal to say anything but the truth, no matter how brutal, let him wiggle his way into households around the world. 

World-renowned chef and longtime friend and travel companion of Anthony Bourdain Eric Ripert said, "He was an exceptional human being, so inspiring and generous. One of the great storytellers of our time who connected with so many." 

I, for one, can attest to Anthony Bourdain's storytelling abilities. He led me around the world in Parts Unknown and inspired me to experiment in the kitchen and in my life in general in Kitchen Confidential. In the spirit of remembering all the wonderful things he did, here are some of Anthony Bourdain's lessons that I try to keep in my mind every day. 

1. "Walk in someone else's shoes. Or at least eat their food."

The best way to understand the way that someone lives is to eat their food. When you're traveling or even getting to know someone better, try to get a chance to eat a meal in their home, with their family.

2. "Your body is not a temple. It's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride."

Life's too short to worry about your abs when there are lasagnas, ice cream cones, and a whole world of delicious foods to try. Growing up, I was never a picky eater because I was willing to at least try everything. There's no way that you can possibly not like snails or fermented tofu or century eggs if you're never even given them a chance. 

3. "The ability to feed yourself and a few others with proficiency should be taught to every young man and woman as a fundamental skill."

I remember coming across this quote when I was in high school and I really took it to heart. I started asking my mom how she made certain things, like spaghetti sauce or roasted chicken. I didn't want to be one of those kids who started college and couldn't cook an egg to save my life. 

Plus, it's just impressive to be able to invite a friend, or a special friend, over and cook them a homemade meal. It shows you care in a way that a meal out never can. 

4. "Life without veal stock, pork fat, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living."

Flavor. What's the point of eating food if it doesn't taste like something?

While I may not store organ meat in my refrigerator on the regular, there are a list of flavorful ingredients that I wouldn't be caught dead without. You never know when you're going to need to cook a meal on the fly. 

5. "Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown."

I've always struggled with needing to feel in control of everything. Watching Anthony Bourdain on Parts Unknown started chipping away at that wall of plans that I always try to put up.

Now, when I know I'm going to a new city for the first time, I make a point of not making too many specific plans, especially for meals, until after I've arrived. 

6. "The way you make an omelet reveals your character."

While omelets can be very revealing, I've always taken this one figuratively. If someone is willing to take the time and effort to cook you a meal, they're a person worth knowing. Even further, what someone chooses to cook for you can go a long way toward explaining their feelings. 

7. "There's something wonderful about drinking in the afternoon. A not-too-cold pint, absolutely alone at the bar."

I had literally never eaten a meal out alone before I moved to college, but Anthony Bourdain taught me that it's okay to take yourself out to dinner and just enjoy the experience. I don't know why there's such a stigma against eating alone, I see it as a self-care practice. 

8. "I learned a long time ago that trying to micromanage the perfect vacation is always a disaster. That leads to terrible times."

I recently studied abroad in Costa Rica for a week with a group of 12 students and 2 adults. I had absolutely zero control over where we went and the meals that I had, but I kept Anthony Bourdain in the back of my mind like a mantra. Once I let go of worrying about the schedule, I had the time of my life. 

9. "What nicer thing can you do for somebody than make them breakfast?"

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and, with the help of Anthony Bourdain along with my wonderful mom, I've learned that cooking for someone is one of the best ways of expressing your love for them. 

First impressions have always been important for me and I see breakfast as the first impression of the day. Preparing a full spread of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and waffles may not be necessary on a day-to-day basis, but making your loved ones a bite to eat sets them up for a wonderful day.

10. "I'm a big believer that you're never going to find the perfect city travel experience or the perfect meal without the constant willingness to experience a bad one."

It's a widely known fact, thanks partly to Anthony Bourdain and others like Andrew Zimmern, that street food is some of the best food in every city. Give up your fancy reservations and guided tours. Instead, put on your walking shoes and ask the locals for recommendations. 

11. "There is a direct inverse relationship between frequency of family meals and social problems."

I was fortunate enough to grow up in a household with two loving parents and two younger siblings. As busy as we got, with my dad traveling and all three of the kids playing sports year-round, we always made time for family dinners. 

Now that I've moved out and will be living in my sorority house next year, my sisters have become my new family. I urge you, as Anthony says, to find your family and sit down to meals with them. No matter how busy you think you are, I promise you have time to share a meal with friends or family and decompress. 

12. "The journey changes you. It should change you... You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind."

When I was younger, I had to buy a souvenir every time I visited somewhere new. Now that I've matured a bit, I tend to try to spend my money on experiences rather than material objects. I get so much more out of eating a meal at a local restaurant than I ever did out of a bracelet or keychain. 

13. "Good food is very often, even most often, simple food."

This is one of my favorite reminders when I don't feel like cooking at home after a long day of classes or work. It doesn't have to be fancy to taste amazing. In fact, just a handful of really quality ingredients go into many of my favorites, like Anthony Bourdain's go-to pasta recipe

14. "Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them."

If there's one thing I think everyone understands after watching an episode of Parts Unknown, it's that staying at the fancy hotel and hitting all the tourist attractions may look good in pictures, but it's not the best way to travel.

If you're not too keen on actually sleeping on the floor, it's easier than ever to rent an Airbnb and get instant access to residential life and the culture of whatever city you're visiting. Ask your host for recommendations and you'll see a whole different city than every other tourist. 

15. "I don't want to be thinking about what's in the dressing. I want to be lost in the meal."

This hits again on that idea of ditching the fru fru and just enjoying the food. If something tastes freaking amazing, who cares who made it or how many calories it has? 

Life's too short to worry about the little things. Even the arguably most well-traveled person in the world, Anthony Bourdain himself, didn't get to see and do everything.

Travel, cooking, and eating are experiences that allow you to break out of your the arbitrary routine that you've made for yourself. I know I often get caught up in plans because I think it will ease my anxiety. In reality, when I've felt the most free, it's been when I'm doing my best to channel Anthony Bourdain's spirit of inexhaustible curiosity. 

#SpoonTip: If you or someone you know needs help, please consider contacting the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text 741-741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor right away.