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Find Out Kool-Aids New Mystery Flavor

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Hofstra chapter.

Kool-Aid Man left his house and is searching for the new mystery flavor for the Kool-Aid Mystery Jammers. On his journey, Kool-Aid man got lost and now he needs your help. 

Help Kool-Aid Man

Photo Courtesy of Kool-Aid

In order to join the fun, now through April 3, you can help find Kool-Aid Man. With a purchase of Kool-Aid Mystery Jammers, available at retailers nationwide for $1.99, you can head to koolaidmystery.com and scan a pack which provides you access to guess where Kool-Aid Man might be looking for his new mystery flavor.

Fans will only be entered once to win the grand prize of a $10,000 vacation to anywhere in the U.S.

The flavor of the new Kool-Aid Mystery Jammers will be revealed on April 6. 

Update: The mystery flavor is cotton candy. 

More About Kool-Aid

Photo Courtesy of Kool-Aid

To learn more about the Kool-Aid Mystery flavor and the search for Kool-Aid Man, make sure to follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

Casey Clark

Hofstra '21

Hi! My name is Casey and I am a journalism major at Hofstra University. Currently, I am the Editorial Director for Spoon's Hofstra Chapter. I love covering the latest food releases and news. When I'm not enjoying chocolate, find me writing for Allure, Byrdie, Women's Health, Rachael Ray In Season and Eat This, Not That!