
Katy Perry's "Bon Appetit" Video Took Food Porn Too Literally

After a deluge of announcements on social media, Katy Perry finally released the music video of her latest single "Bon Appetit," which seems to have sparked some intense discussions on Youtube. I've always been a big fan of hers, but still was rather surprised when I watched it for the first time. Now let's see why.

"Bon Appétit, Baby"

For those of you who haven't done so already, you can watch the complete music video here. You have my warning - be prepared!

Basically, Katy is being made into a meal by a bunch of chefs and served to a table of guests. Then the plot twists with Katy taking over, while the earlier chefs walked into the room and butchered the guests instead. The end? Katy sits down and looks ready to start her human pie - made from the people who have just been killed to her order.

Taking Food Porn Too Far?

To be honest, I had a hard time finishing the video. As it starts with Katy being thrown into a pool of flour and kneaded like a ball of dough, I started to become doubtful about the content.

Her smile starts to disappear as the kneading proceeds. Next, her body distorts and gradually becomes dough. Then she's dumped into a pot of boiling soup with other vegetables.

After 30 seconds of her singing in the soup, Katy is brought to the table to be polished before served. The final touches do not seem very pleasant, either, as you can probably imagine.

Then it turns out to be a conspiracy. In the end, Katy has everyone kills and made into a not-very-appetizing-looking pie.

Well, personally, just that foot and those fingers that are hanging out from the plate are already giving me headaches. At this point, I do have to agree that the imagery took food porn a little too far.

The Deeper Meaning

Of course, being Katy Perry, she certainly has a point well hidden in the video itself. In "Bon Appetit," she is hinting at and criticizing the gender inequality, especially the fact that many people still think of and refer to women as something to consume or own.

Towards the end of the video, she takes over in the dining room and has everyone made into a meal, symbolizing her determination to combat this unjust social phenomenon. She will not let herself be eaten like "a human pig on a platter."

"If you have a voice, use it." That's how she puts it.

Food Porn in Better Terms

That being said, we do have a roundup of REAL food porn ready for you in case that's what you're looking for. When in need of a little comfort from food, check out these best food porn tumblrs and Phoodieur.

If you ask me if Katy Perry took food porn too literally in her new release of "Bon Appetit," I would say yes. However, I still love her for her courage to always express a different voice in a society where it's much needed. Good luck to her!