
I Tried the Jelly Donut Flavored Oreos and Was Pleasantly Surprised

When it comes to Oreos, I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for the original flavor even though there are so many out there to pick from. I've always loved Oreos (even the weird fruit flavored ones) so when I heard there were new jelly donut Oreos for National Donut Day I was all over it.

Jelly Donut flavored Oreos?

This new flavor is a Walmart exclusive, and it hit the shelves starting Friday, June 2nd, National Donut Day. The Oreos are made up of two golden cookies with custard and a raspberry filling in between.

Now let me tell you, I went into this curious but not too hopeful (jelly donut is a hard flavor to make). I made it to the store and all the way to the cookie section, and at that moment I knew these cookies had to be great because they were all sold out.

There were no jelly donut Oreos anywhere in the whole store, and I didn't even know what to do with myself. Luckily I went on this Oreo adventure with a friend who remembered that there's a Walmart in the next city over. In dedication to Oreos (and SpoonU) I drove 20 minutes to get to this store and collect my box.

The taste test

When I bit into this golden cookie I was definitely surprised. My friend turned to me with eyes wide and simply said "this actually tastes like a jelly donut!" Kind of surprisingly, these Oreos are actually really good.

The custard and raspberry flavors go together really well with the golden cookie to create a taste almost exactly like a jelly donut. The fruit flavor wasn't too overpowering or sugary like I thought it would be. These Oreos are like little donuts you can easily have at home without making them yourself.

I would definitely buy these Oreos again, and will be soon since the container didn't even make it a week in my house. I actually think these jelly donut Oroes are the best flavor the company has come out with in a while. But if jelly donut flavor isn't your thing you can check out another recent weird flavor release.