
8 Human Foods That Are Safe for Your Dog, According to a Vet

In my house, I can never sit down to eat a meal without feeling the profound gaze of my pug's eyes moving back and forth between me and my plate. When I'm in the kitchen, she follows me around like a shadow just in case I drop human food on the floor. 

I rarely hesitate to sneak her a little peanut butter, but I'm much too scared to spoil her with other human foods.

What if her little pug belly can't handle a potato chip? All dog owners know that chocolate and grapes are dangerous for dogs to consume, but to clear up any other grey areas, here's a more comprehensive list of human foods safe for dogs to eat. 

#SpoonTip: Although this article was written under the consultation of a veterinary professional, be advised that your pet may have different needs or restrictions than described below. Do not feed your pet human food unless recommended by your veterinarian. If you suspect your pet has ingested something dangerous, contact your veterinarian immediately. 

1. Most fruits 

Apples, bananas, strawberries, oranges, blueberries, pears, peaches, coconuts, and watermelons are all safe for your dog.

#SpoonTip: Be careful about only feeding your dog the proper parts of the fruit. Things like peach pits are not safe for their digestion. 

2. Most vegetables 

Green beans, carrots, corn, potatoes, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and peas are safe for dogs to eat. When prepared correctly, vegetables can be an excellent source of nutrients for your dog. 

#SpoonTip: Make sure you regulate their bite sizes – your pet can easily choke on these foods. 

3. Proteins

Shrimp, turkey, chicken, eggs, ham/pork, salmon, and tuna are safe for consumption.

#SpoonTip: Make sure all bones are removed before feeding to your dog. Additionally, make sure all fish is fully cooked. 

4. Popcorn

In small quantities, it is okay to feed your dog unsalted and unbuttered air-popped popcorn. Butter and other flavorings can lead to obesity and indigestion. However, don't fret if your dog eats one or two buttery pieces you may have dropped. 

#SpoonTip: Partially popped or whole kernels are not safe for your dog's digestion, so only serve them fully popped pieces. 

5. Bread 

For many dog owners, an easy way to administer pills to your dog is by hiding it in a chunk of bread. For an extra treat, add some peanut butter or low-fat cheese. 

6. Honey 

Honey is a natural sweet treat for your little one. However, due to the high sugar content, it is best to feed honey to your pup in small quantities.  

7. Plain Yogurt 

Many dogs have trouble digesting lactose, but since yogurt has less lactose than milk, it's easier for dogs to digest. If your dog does not experience any symptoms of lactose indigestion, plain, unsweetened yogurt is a safe treat.

#SpoonTip: Choose a yogurt that is high in live cultures. Those live cultures will help your dog digest the lactose. 

8. Quinoa 

If your dog requires a bland diet, small amounts of plain quinoa can be a good option for your dog. Many dry dog food brands actually use quinoa as an ingredient in their products. 

Ultimately, this list is just a guideline. You should consult with your veterinarian if you plan to change your dog's diet. But if you're preparing dinner and a piece of food falls on the floor, it's important for you to know what human foods are safe for dogs.  

Thank you to Jennifer Delaney, DVM and co-owner of Vida Veterinary Care in Denver, CO, for providing veterinary expertise about what human foods are safe for dogs.