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How to Tackle the Whole Foods Salad Bar

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Delaware chapter.

It’s Thursday night around 7 pm and you are finally leaving the office. You’ve eaten bad food all day and decide to head to the Whole Foods down the street to make a healthy salad. What could be better than the Whole Foods salad bar? You walk into the mega-store and find a huge crowd- all people like you finding last minute dinners. Heading to the salad bar, you are annoyed and can picture the long lines ahead. Your frustration results in a mile high salad and an $8 salad quickly turns into a $14 one. You leave annoyed and sweaty.

Here are 8 tips and secrets to learn about the Whole foods salad bar.

1. Have an Idea of What Flavor You Want

Mexican, Greek, Asian, Cobb, or a Side salad are many types and flavors of salads you can get. If you approach the bar with nothing in mind, the result will be so many different toppings, your mouth will not know what hit it. Going in with the idea of a Mexican salad, you will go to get the salsa, avocado, corn, beans, and chicken. Getting all these ingredients straight on your salad will lead to a faster time in the store. Have the idea, make the salad, and be done. 

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2. $8.99 Per Pound

Anything you get from the Whole Foods salad bar is $8.99 per pound. This means that the cashier will weigh your brown box, and your total will develop from that weight. You must plan accordingly. 

I learned this the hard way. My first time eating at the Whole Foods salad bar, I thought their was one same price for every box. This resulted in me going overboard with my salad and getting almost everything. 

#SpoonTip: You can get brown rice for $3.99 per pound at the hot bar. 

3. Know the Foods That Will Weigh You Down 

Just like I said in #2, the salad bar is $8.99 per pound. This means that a pound of hard boiled eggs and a pound of spinach will cost the same price. This also means that you need to know what foods will increase your total weight and therefore your total amount. Foods like hard boiled eggs and grilled chicken will quickly weigh your plate down.

4. Your Cart is Out of the Way

There is nothing worse than trying to reach over two shopping carts and one body, in order to get baby cucumbers on your salad. Next time you approach the salad bar, move your cart far away from the bar. This will give room for yourself, and the customers that want to move around you. It’s also hard to navigate the bar while navigating your cart and carrying your open salad container. 

5. Load up on Veggies

Adding spinach, romaine, carrots, peppers, and other vegetables can quickly make your salad nutritious and cheap. You want to get all the healthy toppings you can, so try to put tiny amounts of all these vegetables so you don’t go overboard on the price.

6. Salad Dressing on the Side

Always, always, always, get your salad dressing on the side. Picture this. You pour ranch dressing all over your salad and take your 40 minute commute home. The subway is hot and sweaty which means that your salad is getting soggy and warm, with dressing on top. Instead of this happening, ask for a small to-go up and fill it up with your choice of dressing. 

7. Eat the Rainbow

Chefs all around the world recommend to “Eat The Rainbow.” This means that your plate should be colorful and bright, including many colors of the rainbow. These colors usually mean that a food is healthy and nutritious, and has vitamins and minerals that are vital for your diet. Spot these out in line and make sure to add them to your bowl. 

8. What comes next?

Want something else with your new salad? Try a baguette from the bakery or some banana chips for a healthy option. Don’t want a salad? Try a sandwich with everything you would put on a salad. Don’t want that? Go to the hot bar and try to tackle that. 

Next time you are hungry, tired, and walking into Whole Foods, keep these tips in mind. Some of them just might come in handy. 

Katie Coulson

Delaware '20

lover of dark chocolate and anything with avocado. you can catch me hunting down NYC's best restaurants and taking pictures of everything I eat