
How to Indulge in Dessert Totally Guilt-Free

As much as we'd like to say it ain't so, dessert is the first thing to go when that spring break diet kicks in. If this wasn't sad enough in itself, this also perfectly lines up to when all the post-Valentine's Day candy goes on sale. This is when it starts to feel as if the universe is playing a cruel joke on us.

Honestly, these diets where we completely cut out sugar cold turkey never work well for anyone. But now there are ways to satisfy your sweet tooth without giving up on your diet, thanks to companies like Hail Merry who make it that much easier to indulge in dessert.

So Dessert Can Be Good for You? 

Sadly we're not living in the year 3000 and it's still not totally correct to say dessert is actually healthy or good for you. But these products are made mostly from almond flour, maple syrup, and coconut oil, you could make the argument that you're being decently healthy. So you can indulge in dark chocolate espresso cups or a coconut vanilla créme tart without totally falling off the diet bandwagon. 

How is This Possible?

The company's philosophy is simple: "fresh food tastes better". This is why all of their products are made with plant-based dietary fats and are gluten and dairy free. Their goal is to keep their treats as close to nature as possible, which means you won't have the internal struggle of not knowing what you're putting in your body. Now you never have to choose between healthy and sweet again. 

Is This Real Life?

Yes, it is! You can indulge in a real dessert, in the forms of Bites, cups, or tarts, and not have to worry about making that day your cheat day. And if you really feel like living it up, you can add these treats to other foods, like using the Bites as a smoothie bowl topper, or pile some fruit on top of the tarts. 

Never again will you have to choose between sticking to your dieting regime or eating dessert, because now you have these sweet treats to indulge in.