
How To Adult With Whole Foods Home Ec 365

Let's be real. School is excellent for teaching students the basics of math, history, chemistry, etc. However, what schools don't teach is how to "adult."  The word "adulting" has gained popularity over the past few years as young adults have been trying to navigate their lives without relying on their parents. Many people can find the the area of a trapezoid, but don't know how to cook and that's a problem. If you're looking for a fun, easy and interactive way to learn how to "adult," Whole Foods has you covered with their new Home Ec 365 series.

Whole Foods Home Ec 365 Curriculum  

Are you looking to enroll in Whole Foods' Home Ec 365 classes? Well, unlike regular college, the classes are free! Can you believe it?! Powered by Teachable, there will be four classes hosted by expert influencers and Whole Foods Market host Molly Siegler who specialize in different areas from cooking to cleaning. Let's take a look at some of the class offerings: 

1. Smarter Shopping: Save, Stock & Invest With Bobby Parrish

This class led by Bobby Parrish, also known as "the grocery guy," will teach you how to decide which ingredients you should splurge on, how to organize your pantry and how to transform bland at-home dinners to 5-star meals with a few key ingredients. 

2. Swap-Savvy Baking: Getting Creative with Recipes & Replacements

There's nothing that brings young adults closer together than baking. However, if you are craving a late-night baked treats and realize you have no eggs left, no need to worry. In this course led by Joy The Baker, you will learn what to do and how to adapt if you run out of butter or eggs, or just want to switch things up with a new type of flour. Regardless of the ingredients you have available, there are still ways to creative tasty alternatives and versions of your favorite baked treats

3. Use 'Em Up! How to Transform Food Scraps & Leftovers

I used to wonder why my parents saved leftovers, but as a college student, I've grown to realize how important they are. Not only can they save you money, but also a trip to the grocery store when the last thing you want to do is get out of bed. This course hosted by chef and well-being advocate Sophia Roe will teach students how to reinvent recipes and make magic with leftover ingredients, overlooked produce parts and that almost-empty jar of mustard hiding on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

4. So Fresh & So Clean: How to Effectively Clean Your Appliances

While dishwashers and stoves are helpful for cleaning and cooking, what happens when they get dirty? Organization enthusiast and mom vlogger Jessica Tull will help you learn how to streamline your deep clean and achieve the best results from hardworking appliances using Whole Foods Market’s clean products. 

More Information About Home Ec 365

To help students prepare for Home Ec 365, Whole Foods Market is offering exclusive coupons for free products to those who enroll. These “school supplies” will help students stock up on essential 365 brand items needed for the virtual classes.