Some of my favorite childhood memories involved eating cereal in front of the television. There was something so exciting about having a bowl of cereal as a kid. Probably the sugar. As I got older, I became more health conscious and realized that having what was really dessert for breakfast wasn't the best choice. However, I recently found a new love for cereal as there are now options that are high in protein and fiber such as Highkey's Protein Cereal. 

HighKey Protein Cereal

HighKey's Protein Cereal is one of the newest keto-friendly cereals on the market. In addition to being keto-friendly, Highkey's Protein Cereal is gluten-free, grain-free with only 90 calories and 10g of protein per serving. Does it get any better?!

What Flavors Are There?

Highkey's Protein Cereal comes in three flavors: Cocoa, Frosted, and Cinnamon. I tried the Cocoa and Frosted and had two different experiences. The first flavor I tried was the Cocoa and I was really excited about it because I am obsessed with chocolate.

I was a bit underwhelmed with the cocoa flavor. It wasn't bad, but I didn't feel like there was enough flavor. I felt like maybe the coating had fell off or like disappeared into my milk too quickly. I mean, I still ate the whole bowl because it was tasty, but more on the bland side. 

However, my experience was completely different with the frosted flavor. I absolutely loved this cereal and could not get enough. It tasted like I was eating vanilla frosting and I was definitely here for it. If you are looking for something really sweet, I'd recommend the frosted flavor, but if you don't want something as sweet, the cocoa might be the better option. 

About HighKey 

HighKey's goal is to create snacks that people can enjoy without the guilt. We are living in a time where people are more conscious about what they are putting into their bodies and the brand is helping to make food that people can feel good about. In addition to protein cereal, HighKey also makes cookies, hot cereal, granola, pancake mix, muffin mix and baking mix. 

To stay connected with HighKey, make sure to follow them on Instagram and Facebook.