
Here's the Rundown About KIND and Their Ambassadors

KIND bars are the new trend. With all the different fruit and nut combinations, there is something that will satisfy your sweet or salty cravings. But did you know that KIND has their own people known as KIND ambassadors? These ambassadors promote KIND's brand and in fact, there's most likely a KIND ambassador on your college campus right now. 

What does a KIND ambassador do, you ask? KIND ambassadors bring awareness to their brand while also teaming with other like-minded clubs on campus to have an impact on the community. KIND doesn't only want to gain brand recognition, they want to bring health and kindness together too. 

KIND prides itself on only including products that you can see and pronounce...because why would you want to be putting something into your body that you don't even know if you're pronouncing correct? You wouldn't. Being able to choose a KIND bar that has only wholesome ingredients could even change your outlook on other foods.

So how do you become a KIND ambassador? Go onto KIND's website and click on the “Careers” tab. You’ll find all the available positions that KIND snacks currently has available. Don’t see your college or university on the list? Reach out and see what KIND snacks has to say about getting a program started on your campus!

Become a KIND ambassador if you want to bring kindness to the world and you believe that what KIND does is worth it. You will become connected to many people who share this same feeling and they will be connected to you. 

Maybe you'll get some KIND swag and other fun stuff, but what you really gain is a new outlook on life. You'll start to think about how you have an impact on everyone's life. You won't just be promoting the KIND brand, you'll be promoting KINDness. Because that what KIND's all about. 

As KIND says, "Be more than nice, be KIND".