
8 Healthy Snacks You Should Be Snacking on During Spring Break

Spring break is finally here. It's the week students across the country have been looking forward to all semester. The week of sun, sand, and drinks. But what about food? It is funny how most people forget about snacking as while sipping margaritas poolside. Here are some healthy spring break snacks you should be munching on while you're soaking up the sun.

1. Mixed Fruit

You can't go wrong with fresh fruit, especially if you're somewhere tropical. Whether it is pineapple, strawberries, or bananas, fruit is always the sweetest snack you can grab. 

2. Pita Chips

Alone or paired with your favorite hummus, pita chips are the perfect crunchy snack to share with your spring break crew. Why is it always that once I have one, I just can't seem to stop?

3. Raw Veggies

It seems that the older I get, the more I appreciate some good vegetables to snack on. I cannot get enough of some fresh carrots, celery or even broccoli, especially when there is dip on the side

4. Smoothie

Yes, I realize most spring breakers only have time for one type of drink, but a smoothie will treat you well. You can always count on a smoothie to be fruity and refreshing.

5. Trail Mix

Trail mix is the perfect snack for variety of reasons. It's designed to fit your likings. Some like almonds, some like dried fruit, and others have a chocolate sweet tooth. Whatever you like is probably in the mix. 

6. Popcorn

I know this may be similar to a bag of chips, but there is just something about a good bag of popcorn. If you are still trying to keep your spring break bod in check, some Skinny Pop or Boom Chicka Pop will do the job. 

7. Popsicles

Of course, laying in the sun gets hot. Why not cool down with a nice ice pop? It may make feel like you're a kid again. You can always mix a little something extra in there too though.

8. Dark Chocolate 

The nutritional value that dark chocolate holds is often forgotten. For those with a sweet tooth, dark chocolate is your secret way of satisfying that craving while still keeping the spring break bod you've worked so hard for.

So grab a towel, your flip flops, a drink and one of these snacks and you will doing spring break like a pro.