
Health Shaming is Just as Bad as Fat-Shaming, and Here’s Why

Ever decided you were going to order a salad, watched your friend order a burger and felt ashamed of your order choice?

Whether you’re trying to make healthy choices or genuinely enjoy being healthy, there’s always going to someone who makes passive-aggressive comments about it. Like, “Oh, look at you being all healthy and eating a salad.” Or, “Wow, you workout so much.”

It’s that social stigma — girls should be eating like boys, not caring about what they eat, and yet they should still look a certain way. It’s supposed to be effortless, you know? Like that movie heroine who eats pizza 24/7 and never works out, but still manages to look like a Victoria’s Secret model. Especially with college students — everyone just assumes we’re supposed to be unhealthy.

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Even with the whole health kick currently going on (everyone now loves kale), there’s still the obsession with In-n-Out, with #foodporn, with anything disgustingly and wonderfully over-the-top.

A photo posted by NYC Dining (@nycdining) on Jun 16, 2015 at 9:42am PDT

So what do you say when someone undermines your healthy choices?

It’s hard to reply without ruining the mood, especially if you’re prone to being sassy like me.

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Try these next time you run into these semi-awkward situations, because they’ll help you control your inner sassmaster:

When someone says, “Oh, look at you eating a salad…are you trying to be healthy or something?”

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Don’t say: Yeah, healthier than you.

Say instead: Yeah, I’ve been trying to eat healthy lately. Or I’ve really been needing to get some veggies in my body.”

The best way to approach this situation is just to own it. Be proud of your choice without rubbing it in the other person’s face. And don’t let them shame you into ordering fried chicken wings if you don’t really want them.

When someone says, “Don’t you want real food?” when looking at your meal.

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Don’t say: This is real food, bitch.

Say instead: I really like this food actually! It’s pretty filling; you should try it sometime.

Again, own your choice. By turning the conversation to the other person, you avoid any other questions and comments about your food.

When someone says, “Wow, you’re always working out.”

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Don’t say: Well that’s how I got this hot bod.

Say instead: Yup, I find that it makes me feel so much better.

Because it’s true. Exercise releases endorphins, which make you happier. And if you want extra brownie points, invite the person to workout with you next time. Who knows, maybe you’ll have found a workout buddy.

When someone says, “Come on, eating _____ won’t kill you!”

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Don’t say: Obviously…

Say instead: Yeah, I know. But I don’t really feel like eating that right now.

There’s a time and place for decadent ice cream sundaes or a pizza with alllll the toppings. But that
time might not be now. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

When someone says, “I made this just for you! You have to eat it.”

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Don’t say: I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to.

Say instead: Thank you! I really appreciate it.

And try a little bit. If they keep on piling it on your plate and insist you keep eating (because
relatives are so prone to doing that), just keep on trying a bit of everything until you’re full. Live a little, yeah?

And remember, ultimately, your choices are yours. Don’t let someone make you feel bad about eating healthy. It goes both ways though — don’t make your friends feel bad about eating “unhealthy.” Their choices are ultimately theirs as well.

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