
The Only Guide You'll Ever Need to Different Types of Grapefruit

Grapefruit. It's that weird citrus-induced, orange impostor sitting in the back of your fridge or taunting you while you pass by its display in the grocery store. Lo and behold, the underdog fruit that's packed with nutrients and used in anything from syrups to salads, is coming into season this winter.

Before you head to the supermarket, it's important to note, however, that not all grapefruits are alike. Some varieties are unbelievably tart or contain surprising health benefits, while others (believe it or not) hold symbolic and ceremonial meaning. This guide will hopefully clear up any confusion about this ever-so-elusive citrus.  

1. Pomelo 

Basically the ancestor or OG to all grapefruits known to mankind, this grapefruit is commonly known as the Chinese grapefruit, due to its use in ceremonies during the Chinese New Year.

Weighing around 2-4 lbs, its unmistakably massive size is akin to the full moon, hence why it's such a popular fruit during this holiday. Its pale green to yellow flesh and refreshingly mild and sweet flavor makes it a perfect topping for salads! 

2. White

This grapefruit is also known as the "yellow" grapefruit, possibly due to its pale yellow flesh. Don't let its washed-out color fool you, however. This variety is the most tart and sour; so much so that commercial farmers have started to modify these grapefruits in order to add a pinch of sweetness to their flavor.

On the other hand, its intense taste makes it ideal for all sorts of juices and syrups, and on its own it makes for a nutritious and zesty breakfast

3. Pink 

This is the grapefruit I grew up eating, and needless to say it is the ideal epitome of everything that a grapefruit should strive to be: a perfect balance of tart and sweet, all the while wrapped in aesthetically-pleasing chiffon-pink segments.

This grapefruit is delectable served on its own or baked to perfection. Oh, and I can't forget to mention that this grapefruit is jam-packed with cancer-fighting nutrients such as lycopene and beta-carotene.

4. Red

Just like its name indicates, the flesh of this fruit is a vibrant, juicy ruby. Its flavor is similar to that of the pink grapefruit, and it's also a good source of vitamin-A, which can help prevent cancer. This petite sister of the pink grapefruit is perfect for packed lunches, snacks, etc. 

5. Oro Blanco 

This grapefruit's Spanish name translates to "white-gold" in English, and it's hard to miss its electric-green or yellow skin or its uniquely thick rind. Used in salads and desserts, it is arguably the least bitter and most sweet out of all of the grapefruits listed here.

Also, these grapefruits are seedless, so you don't have to worry about meticulously scooping out every. single. seed.