
7 Foods to Avoid After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Mostly everyone has to get their wisdom teeth out at some point. And what else would you eat following this procedure besides insane amounts of ice cream

While ice cream and other soft foods (like pudding, applesauce, and mashed potatoes) are recommended by the doctors, you might want to wait a little bit longer before going back to your regular diet. Some foods can delay the healing of your wounds and even cause infections. 

Whether you're waiting to get your wisdom teeth out or have gotten them out already and made these mistakes, make sure to avoid these foods for a faster recovery

1. Hot and Spicy Foods

I love hot wings as much as the next person, but they're a no-go after wisdom teeth surgery. The spiciness of the food can break the blood clots in the socket and cause a dry socket or an infection. No matter how bad you want spicy foods, give yourself a couple extra days before diving in.

2. Soda 

With so many different kinds, soda can be hard to avoid. But make sure to stay away from these fizzy drinks while recovering. These tasty carbonated beverages weaken the blood clots and could cause them to dislodge in your mouth. I'm sure a couple days without soda won't hurt, right? 

3. Alcohol 

Consuming alcohol too soon after getting your wisdom teeth out can delay the healing process. If you thought the pain and swelling was bad before, just wait until after you drink the alcohol - it gets even worse. No matter how bad you want it, just say no. You'll be glad you did. 

4. Crunchy Foods 

While this might be obvious, you do not want to eat crunchy foods after you get your wisdom teeth out. Foods that are hard to chew (pretty much everything besides ice cream) can get stuck in the sockets and lead to infection. That's one more problem you don't really need to be dealing with. 

5. Small Foods 

While you're avoiding crunchy foods, make sure to stay away from small foods too. Things like poppy or sesame seeds are likely to get stuck in the sockets. Not only will they cause an infection, but you'll have to go back to your oral surgeon in order to get them out. I think one trip was enough, thanks though. 

6. Sugary Foods

Don't stop eating your ice cream, but maybe just don't eat as much as you were planning on. Too many sugary foods aren't the best thing to eat after you get your wisdom teeth out. Sugary foods can be quiet damaging to teeth after surgery. I'm not telling you not to eat the ice cream, just eat less of it. 


Even though this isn't food, you do not want to work out after getting your wisdom teeth out. If you're training for a marathon, skip a couple days to rest. You could accidentally hit your mouth and break your stitches. Returning to regular exercise differs for each person, but make sure that all the bleeding and swelling is gone before you reach for those running shoes. 

Everyone knows that getting your wisdom teeth out means endless ice cream and Netflix. But if you thought about eating any of the foods above, steer clear for while. They won't taste as good when your mouth is swollen and bloody. Why even try when you know you'll be disappointed?