
10 Food Holidays You Should Celebrate This August

Have nothing to celebrate between 4th of July and Labor Day? Celebrate the national food holidays throughout the month of August! As if you needed another reason to celebrate food, this month is full of days dedicated to different foods and dishes! There's one for each day in August, so get excited! Here's a list of some of my favorite August food holidays to jump-start your celebrations.

August 2: National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

Fun fact: the first ice cream sandwiches were sold in New York City in the early 1900s and were only a penny.

August 3: National Watermelon Day

Cool off from the summer heat with a cool, crisp, watermelon. Check out all the different ways to eat watermelon

August 4: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

Who doesn't love a classic chocolate chip cookie? Go ahead and have one or two... or a dozen.

August 6: National Root Beer Float Day

PSA: All A&W restaurant locations are giving a free root beer float with any purchase on this day.

August 8: National Frozen Custard Day

Another PSA: most major chains will have great deals on this holiday, so keep an eye out for where you can get discounted custard. 

August 16: National Bratwurst Day

Enjoy that last summer barbecue and grill up some bratwurst

August 19: National Soft Serve Ice Cream Day

Think you have perfected the art of the 'soft-serve swirl'? Post a picture on Facebook of your tallest swirl with the hashtag #TallestSwirl to compete with other pro-swirlers.

August 21: National Sweet Tea Day

Get sippin' on some southern sweet tea.

August 24: National Waffle Day

An acceptable day to use the phrase "L'eggo my Eggo" without being judged.

August 31: National Trail Mix Day

Enjoy the last day of the month with something salty, sweet, and crunchy.