
Fireball Gummy Bears Have Arrived & We Are Ready

Ah, Fireball we all know that chilling burn too well. As college students, we love ourselves a nice shot of Fireball before an evening out. Now, instead of pounding a shot of that spicy liquid courage, you can chew on some gummy bears. No need to purchase chasers anymore, you can just buy packs of these treats for your next pregame. 

The Bears

These sweet treats are called, "Fire Bears" and taste like the cinnamon flavored alcohol that has a special place in all of our hearts. With these gummy bears, we can assume that the alcohol flavored gummys trend shows no sign of stopping. I'm hoping for some vodka infused Twizzlers next time. These candies can be purchased on Etsy and delivered right to your home (or college dorm).  

Look at those bad boys, you should open up another tab and hit add to cart right now. Before embarking on your own journey with these, you may want to check the nutritional information for to determine how many gummy bears is equivalent to a shot of Fireball.

Fire Bears' Classier Cousin

The leaders of this alcohol flavored gummies trend, Sugarfina, make Rosé infused gummy bears. As classy as that is, it doesn't appeal to all of us. It's very nice to sit around and talk about grown up things over a glass (or 4) of wine, but we don't always want to be so mature. Even those who have left their college days far behind, sometimes want to go back when they dreams of Fireball during their Tuesday 8am lab.

So, I know that these types of treats are targeted at a young more collegiate audience, but they are great for anyone to enjoy. Etsy reviewers call them "quite potent" (so try not to gobble these down too quick) and others say its a great way to "re-live our college days". Next time you've scored some extra cash, invest in some boozy candy because what could be a better combination?