
Do's and Don'ts of Finals Week Anxiety: Food and Drink Edition

Finals week anxiety is something all college students can relate to. The stress, all-nighters, and anticipation contribute to heightened anxiety during this dreadful biannual week. While anxiety definitely exists all year around, finals week is a huge time for stress and nerves for any college student. 

Some vitamins and herbs are natural remedies for certain health problems, including anxiety, while others are known to increase these symptoms. Thus, certain foods and drinks have several benefits for anxiety, while others are known to be triggers. To get you through the first finals week of this school year, here are some foods and drinks you should definitely incorporate into your diet and some that you should avoid at all costs.


To get you through the first finals week of this school year, here are some foods and drinks you should definitely incorporate into your diet and some that you should avoid at all costs.

These items are shown to decrease anxiety, and I can personally attest that these have helped me deal with finals week anxiety in the past so hopefully they work for you too. 

1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile has been used for centuries because of its correlation with decreasing anxiety and improving sleep. Sleep deprivation can trigger anxiety so drinking 1 cup of chamomile tea a day will help relax you during finals week. 

2. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate does not get nearly as much credit as it deserves. Dark chocolate in particular is healthier than other types are, and even increases seratonin levels. Seratonin is a hormone involved with mood, so have some dark chocolate and your mood should improve. 

3. Oranges/Orange Juice

As most of you know, oranges are filled with vitamin C. This vitamin is crucial for your health and anytime you're sick in college, I'm sure your parents tell you to have some oranges. Similarly, stress increases the likelihood of becoming sick. Therefore, vitamin C is super important to consume since it lowers cortisol levels, which is a hormone involved in stress.

4. Avocado

Good news for avocado lovers like myself: avocados contain vitamin B, which helps relieve stress. Additionally, avocados are a healthy fat so this lowers blood pressure. The increase in vitamin B and decrease in blood pressure are a great combination to combat finals week anxiety.

5. Almonds

Almonds have both vitamins E and B2. Both are involved with boosting the immune system during times of stress. Since finals week is beyond stressful, eating a handful of almonds proves to be a great snack and an immune system improvement. 


These 5 foods and drinks are what you should 100% avoid during finals week. All of these are related to increasing anxiety in general, so during an already anxiety inducing time, it will be very helpful to stay away from these items until finals are over.

1. Coffee/Caffeine

Sorry to all the coffee addicts out there, but caffeine is related to both anxiety AND depression. Because caffeine disrupts sleep cycles, your mood can be affected, which in turn impacts your mental state. In addition, coffee blocks the absorption of vitamins B and D, which are both involved in maintaining mood. Thus, avoid all-nighters, get some good sleep, and go the gym to keep a positive mood instead of relying on coffee.

2. Alcohol

In addition, coffee blocks the absorption of vitamins B and D, which are both involved in maintaining mood. Thus, avoid all-nighters, get some good sleep, and go the gym to keep a positive mood instead of relying on coffee.

Alcohol impacts your central nervous system, so it's no surprise that when it comes to alcohol, your levels of certain neurotransmitters, including seratonin, are deeply influenced. Alcohol also disrupts your sleep cycle, which increases stress levels. While it may be tempting to go out that last weekend before the semester ends, it will only harm your mental well-being.

3. Whole Wheat Bread

One major trigger of anxiety is gluten. That's why it's no surprise that whole wheat bread is a definite don't of finals week. The type of bread contains gluten, which can cause some people to have anxiety or panic attacks. 

Alcohol also disrupts your sleep cycle, which increases stress levels. While it may be tempting to go out that last weekend before the semester ends, it will only harm your mental well-being.

4. Chips

Chips are a huge source of trans fat. Other than being one of the least healthy foods for anyone's health, trans fat also affects mood. Since chips contain this fat, stick to healthier snacks such as oranges and almonds since you now know the benefits of them.

5. Cookies

Unfortunately for dessert lovers, sugar causes both a spike and a drop in blood sugar. The fluctuation of blood sugar negatively impacts mood, especially if you're already having negative thoughts. Similarly, consuming foods high in sugar such as cookies, increases cortisol and adrenaline levels, both of which are hormones involved in stress, and can cause panic attacks. 

Finals week is most definitely the one week all college students dread during the best years of their lives. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided, and anxiety tends to be at its peak during this stressful time. However, with the proper diet, you can overcome this anxiety.

While caffeine, alcohol, and sugar are staples in the college-student diet, they are definite don'ts for anxiety, and especially during finals week when your mood and sleep are much more important. By supplementing these frequent items with chamomile tea, oranges, and avocados, not only will your anxiety be reduced, but your mood will also improve. Needless to say, I wish you nothing but the best on your finals and may the odds be ever in your favor.