
Why Everyone Looking for Some Life Inspiration Should be Following Hannah Bronfman

Hannah Bronfman does just about everything you could think of. I found her Instagram page while randomly scrolling through my feed, and since then I have been so inspired to create my best self in all aspects of life. She challenges viewers in her Adidas Women Pure Boost Launch, saying: “I dare you to try and label me.”

Photo courtesy of Hannah Bronfman on Instagram

The message she sends to followers is exceptional, and this is why I look up to her so much:

To her, goal setting is key.

Photo courtesy of Hannah Bronfman on Instagram

As the founder of an online blog called HB Fit, Bronfman excels at creating a brand that is innovative and constantly changing. In 2015, HB Fit won the best fitness blog on In an HB Diary, she writes, “Goals give us purpose, which in turn motivates us to make ourselves the best version, in all aspects of your life.” Her website always releases new ways to elevate your lifestyle and maximize goals. She provides tips on fitness, health, and beauty advice; basically a one stop shop to becoming the best you. Hannah embodies everything a beauty aficionado is.

A New York native, Hannah utilizes all of the amazing amenities that NYC has to offer throughout her social media outlets. She soul cycles, detoxes her weekend partying with Pilates, dances her way through the week, and takes boxing classes, proving how much of a badass she is. Her goal is to constantly switch up her workouts – it keeps your body guessing and never bored. She holds herself accountable for these goals as well, making her a role model for all of us.

She’s a jack of all trades.

Photo courtesy of Hannah Bronfman on Instagram

Like I mentioned, Hannah has her own feature in the Adidas Women campaign, which truly inspired me to take a step back and see where I could improve on my health practices. Bronfman is “#heretocreate” and she’s doing a damn good job at it – she was just recently nominated for Victoria’s Secret What Is Sexy 2016 List for Sexiest Social Media Star and won in the fitness category. That alone is enough of a reason to hit up your Insta and Snap to follow her, but if it isn’t, I have more.

She’s a DJ!! I’ve never known of such a cool person. She plays the hottest tracks for some of the hottest companies, like Refinery29, Food & Wine, TED, The Body Shop, and others.

Work hard, play hard is her mantra.

Photo courtesy of Hannah Bronfman on Instagram

Following fitness gurus can be overwhelming sometimes. Many of them drink and eat clean all day every day, with no room for cheat meals. As a college student, it is super unrealistic to follow such a strict regimen. But Bronfman defies that stereotype. She believes working hard and playing hard go hand in hand. Her snap stories are lit over the weekend, but come Monday morning, she sweats it all out.

In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, she gave a walk through of what her average weekday will look like. She seriously gets shit done, and rewards herself with good food and a drink or two.

She has the right outlook on love.

Photo courtesy of Brendan Fallis on Instagram

Did I mention her hot fiance, Brendan Fallis, is a DJ and fitness fanatic too?! They travel the world together for work, aka dancing the night away when they DJ at dope locations, like their most recent trip to Hong Kong. Both of them live by a philosophy of “sundays are for lovers” and balance their hectic work life with their relationship. Hannah and Brendan were recently featured on the Instagram account the way we met, and their story is simply #goals. In an age where monogamy is difficult to find, Hannah and Brendan exemplify true commitment towards each other and their work.

It’s so important to see Hannah Bronfman as a public figure who has worked her way up with a goal to inspire people to step outside of the box we are often confined to. She balances the work hard play hard philosophy to a tee.

Photo courtesy of Hannah Bronfman on Instagram

So, it may seem like a have a bit of a girl crush. But who wouldn’t agree?! Hannah Bronfman encapsulates so many things a 20 something woman aspires to be – powerful, fierce, successful, fit, innovative, and a straight up badass.

If there’s one thing you do today, hit up her Instagram, HB Fit, and her Adidas campaign. I promise you won’t regret it.

Need some more inspiration to get fit and become the best you? Check these out: