
Ed Sheeran's Love for Food Is Just as Good as His Upcoming Album Release

Ed Sheeran is a one of a kind. The heartthrob writes some of the most beautiful lyrics anyone has ever heard and has his fans going crazy over his upcoming album release. Although the official release isn't until March 3rd, Ed has shared two tracks ("Shape of You" and "Castle on The Hill") to ease the painful wait of his new music. Aside from his sweet tunes, Ed has expressed his love for food in various interviews and appearances that have gone viral (he makes a mean fajita). 

Through hard work of songwriting and recording, a star's gotta eat. And honestly; when you're asked about what you like to munch on in an interview, for the love of food, you better be prepared. So in the meantime, while we're all waiting for his new tracks, here are a few Ed Sheeran food moments that are almost as good as his upcoming album release.

1. "Yes food, awesome."

Great start, Ed. Setting the standard and stating the obvious.

2. Mexican food vibes.

When you find out what's for dinner.

3. The art of the perfect bite.

When you're out to eat and keep awk eye contact with bae or your bff through every bite.

4. Somethin' hot to warm the soul.

Nothing like a cozy cup of tea.

5. Eating extravagant desserts. 

When you can't tell if that tasty treat you just picked up is too pretty to even eat.

6. Putting bananas to good use. 

When you and your friends decide to spice things up.

7. Accepting yourself as the ultimate Master Chef.

When you're not afraid to admit the minimal cooking skills you have, but take pride in the one dish you've mastered.

8. Relatable middle school essentials.

Quick reminder of the beauty of flavored chap sticks.

9. The ultimate delicacy of pizza. 

That moment when you take the ultimate bite of victory into that fresh hot slice. Nice one.

10. Getting emotional and nostalgic about ice cream. 

When a certain food relates to a memory and brings you back. Good times.

11. How you feel on a daily basis.

Ed being miss independent. No exceptions.

12. When you're at a crossroads in life.

A true man of wisdom. The solution to the process of all life's problems; even your current one of waiting for Ed's new album.

Hang in there; in the mean time, you might as well stuff your face. Ed's new tracks await. You'll make it.