
Bev Sales Surge During COVID-19 And Commits to Donate 100% of Sales

COVID-19; while nobody wants to have the virus, I must say, it's been super beneficial for the alcohol industry. Sales have gone up tremendously across the board for all wine and spirits, and this probably has to do with being in quarantine with people that you either love or with people that you hate. Regardless of which is the case for you, I'm here to let you know that DTC company, Bev is donating all of their proceeds back into a fund that they've started. Here's what you should know.

Everything to know

With Bev, it's said that they've experienced a 200% increase in sales, whether that's online and/or in person, I'm not sure of. And if you don't know what Bev is, it's a canned wine company that's based out in California that makes rosé, pinot grigio (aka my personal favorite), and sauvignon blanc. Something cool that Bev has done was that they set up "direct-to-doorstep delivery via text messaging in the greater Los Angeles area. This further illustrates how vice brands once considered taboo are LISTENING to their customers and swiftly pivoting to safely and successfully navigate a consumer culture and economic time that’s largely in flux" as I was told via email. 

Bev "has set up a #ServeOurServers Relief Fund, to help the amazing folks in the service industry throughout the country. As I was told, the community can donate directly online, and Bev matched the first $3k of donations. They'll also be donating 100% of ALL online sales to the fund." While I'm not expecting you to donate, the least you can do is help to spread awareness of the fund around the web. 

If you ask me, more companies should be helping to give back to the nation during this time, but I totally see through the companies that refuse to help out... cue the shade.