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Here’s Why Gluten Might Be Making You Tired

Gluten is a type of protein that is found in wheat, barley, and rye and therefore winds up in many of the most common foods that people consume every day (read: bread). There are a lot of people who claim that going gluten-free has helped them by giving them more energy, but is that true? So does gluten make you tired?

The answer might be dependent on whether or not you have a sensitivity to gluten. One of the most common causes of fatigue is consumption of food that you are allergic to. The body expends all its energy attempting to “attack” your allergen, draining you of energy and making you fatigued.

So, if eating products containing gluten is making you feel a sense of fatigue or “foggy”, you may have what is known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) or you may have undiagnosed celiac disease. Sometimes fatigue might be your only symptom of a more serious condition, like celiac. 

Source of Protein toast bread
Jocelyn Hsu

If you suspect that you might have an allergy to gluten, the only way to know for sure is to get an official diagnosis from a doctor. Tests can determine if the cause of symptoms is because of gluten consumption. Then, based on how severe your allergy is, you might have to reduce or cut out gluten from your diet to alleviate symptoms. 

Tests can determine if the cause of symptoms is because of gluten consumption. Then, based on how severe your allergy is, you might have to reduce or cut out gluten from your diet to alleviate symptoms. 

For those without a gluten sensitivity, there should be no tiredness relating to gluten consumption. Therefore, unless you have an allergic reaction to gluten, there’s no reason it should be making you sleepy, and you should keep on loving your bread

Kate is currently a Senior majoring in Political Science with a double minor in Sociology and Journalism. In addition to Spoon, she has written for NC State's The Technician, Study Breaks Magazine and The Tempest. She is a member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, the National Residence Hall Honorary and the Women of Welch Leadership Village on-campus. She loves being a member of Wolfpack Nation and serving anyway that she can!