
Can You Eat Strawberry Leaves? Here's What Science Says

Strawberries have to be one of the best fruits out there. You can throw it in smoothies, desserts, cocktails, salads, and more. How many times have you thrown excess strawberry flesh away when you cut off the leaves? Not one to waste food, I did some research to find out whether or not strawberry leaves are safe to eat. After all, we drink tea leaves and eat spinach, so what's stopping us from eating strawberry leaves? So can you eat strawberry leaves? Here's what science says. 

A popular summer fruit, strawberries aren't just tasty, they're also healthy. A quick search online will tell you that, yes, strawberry leaves are safe to consume. Strawberry leaves are known for helping with arthritis pain, because they contain a diuretic called caffeic acid. In plain terms, this means it helps relieve water tension from the joints. By reducing inflammation, this will ease any discomfort you may be feeling.  

#SpoonTip: Strawberry leaves are most commonly brewed in tea.

According to The University of Maryland Medical Center, several vitamins and beneficial health factors are contained in strawberry leaves. For example, vitamin C (an antioxidant), calcium (can help with bone health), and iron (can improve red blood cells) can be found in the leaves.

Strawberry leaves contain tannins that have low pH levels and serve as a strong digestive. Simply said, this compound can help with an upset stomach, cramps, or bloating.  

Although strawberry leaves can help ease stomach pains, this home remedy shouldn't be your go-to option. As always, consult your doctor if your nausea or diarrhea worsens or won't go away.   

Unfortunately, strawberry leaves aren't for everyone. With all food products come allergies. If this is your first time testing out strawberry leaves, watch out for redness, itching, or sharpness of breath, as these can all be symptoms of an allergic reaction.