
9 Things Only People Who Love Brussels Sprouts Will Understand

In the earlier days, they were known as the vegetable that was thrown under the dinner table in hopes that our dog would come along to clean up the mess. Today, Brussels sprouts have definitely made a name for themselves, and people are just going crazy over this new and improved vegetable. Yes, it is green, healthy, and a vegetable, which tends turns people away, especially children, from trying this delicious food. But once you dare to try sprouts that are prepared to your liking, you'll be in awe at how good a vegetable could taste.

1. Getting a weird look from people when you say that you love vegetables 

But Brussels sprouts just aren't any old vegetable! They can be prepared a million different ways that taste unbelievably delicious.

2. Thinking you might turn into one after eating so many Brussels sprouts

Dear god, please no. If my skin ever turns green, I might flip out.

3. Never fighting with your parents about what you're eating for dinner

It's crazy how many arguments and tears occur at the dinner table when you "don't want to eat something." However, if you have a love for sprouts, there will be no tension or complaining in your house!

4. Dreaming about eating Brussels sprouts in Brussels

Anytime someone mentions the capital of Belgium, Brussels, the only thought that ever come to mind is: "The Brussels sprouts in Brussels must be out of this world!"

5. Making "pigs in a blanket" the way you like it

New and improved, pigs in a blanket. And on the bright side, much healthier than having weiner inside!

6. Non-Brussels sprouts lovers never understanding that first bite

Whatever restaurant you go to, if Brussels sprouts are on the menu, there will be no doubt that it's the first thing you order. All you do in the restaurant is wait anxiously in your seat for some fresh sprouts to come out of the oven so you can finally dig in.

7. Enjoying a delicious Brussels sprouts pizza

Not your normal pizza pie, but a slice of this will be making you say "Oh my!" Just throw some roasted Brussels and ham on top and it's just too easy to enjoy eating your favorite veggie.

8. Not giving out normal chocolate bars on Halloween

When little kids come to your door and say "trick or treat," this is definitely a trick to get them to eat their greens!

9. Never getting sick of them, after eating them day in and day out

It ain't a party, without the sprouts!

So whether they are plain and roasted with a little bit of salt and pepper, or a little fancier with some pancetta and parmesan, any type of Brussels sprouts sounds appetizing to the lovers. People may think you are crazy for enjoying the taste of a vegetable so much, but in reality, they don't know what they're missing!