
Bored Of Drinking Water? Here's What To Try Next.

While I know that drinking water has a plethora of benefits (hello clear skin, more energy, less headaches, etc.), sometimes it can be downright boring. So if you’re like me, and need a break from water every so often, you've got to try V8’s + Hydrate newest drink collection. Here's your guide on V8's newest creation

What is V8+Hydrate?

Typically known for their vegetable juices, V8 has launched a new drink collection called V8+Hydrate.  The collection has three flavors: strawberry cucumber, coconut watermelon, and orange grapefruit. Infused with natural electrolytes, the drinks will quench your thirst in no time. And the best part? Each drink has only 45 calories

Are they really any good?

I've tried all three flavors, and believe it or not-they are pretty delicious. Each flavor has a clean, crisp taste that isn't overly sweet. Here's what flavor to try based on your mood. 

When you're craving something sweet...

Try the coconut watermelon flavor. This one's probably the sweetest drink, thanks to the combination of sweet potato juice, purified water, and other juices. It's super refreshing, so make sure you grab one on your way out the door to start your day right. 

When you are really trying to be healthy...

Try the orange grapefruit. With only 45 calories per can, you get a full serving of veggies, a drink with no added sugar, and no artificial sweeteners. Did I mention it's also delicious? 

When you want to indulge...

Try the strawberry cucumber. I've got to admit, this one is my personal favorite. Whether you drink this one after hitting the gym, while you're sitting in class, or just lounging around in your p.j.'s at home, this drink will make you feel great. 

Where can I get these drinks?

The drinks are most likely available at your local grocery store, however to get the best deal-order a 24 pack from amazon. You'll be stocked and ready to take on the world in no time.