
The Best Snacks to Order from Graze and When You Should Be Eating Them

As a lazy college student who's lucky to hit 10,000 steps a day on her FitBit, let alone go grocery shopping, I have become a devoted fan of Graze, a snack delivery service. Yet, with hundreds of options, picking the snacks to complete your box can be tedious and overwhelming. Whether you're looking for snacks for your late-night study session, pre-gym carbo-load, or your daily Netflix binge, here are my picks for the best snacks to order.

Creamy Ranch Kern Pops

I admit that while I am usually not a fan of ranch dressing, these kern pops coated in light ranch flavoring are my new addiction. Under 150 calories and mess-free, these kern pops provide the perfect compliment to your late-night Netflix binge

Salted Fudge & Peanut Cookie 

Peanuts, fudge, and chocolate--what more could a person want in a snack? This snack combination between salty and sweet is the ideal solution for that late night ice cream craving or those mid-lecture hunger pains.

Cocoa & Vanilla Protein Flapjack

The perfect mid-morning snack or pre-workout fuel, these bars will keep you full until lunch (with 9g of protein!), while also satisfying your sweet tooth. These bars also provide a great option for an on-the-go breakfast for those rushed mornings.

Spicy Sriracha Crunch

As a Sriracha fanatic, I was reluctant to try a snack that claimed to mimic the flavors of my favorite sauce. However, this snack is perfect for any late night library study session. With a kick of spice and flavor, this snack will keep you alert and focused.

With hundreds of pre-portioned snacks tailored to satisfy all of your snacking needs, Graze provides the perfect option for lazy students. When a new package arrives at your dorm room each week, you'll be able to try new snacks, while also receiving some of your favorites. Delicious snacks delivered straight to your dorm room — what more could a student want?