
The Real Reason Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Is Called "Barefoot"

In the plethora of cheap wines, Barefoot is hands down my favorite. While I'm not one to oppose "slapping the bag," I'm always in my element drinking Barefoot out of a glass cup. I don't know if it's the sweet, sultry Pink Moscato that tastes like fruit punch, or the smooth and savory Sweet Red Blend. Regardless, if I could replace Barefoot with my morning OJ, I would.

One day while I was perusing the Barefoot section of my favorite grocery store, it hit me — why TF is "Barefoot" called "Barefoot?" Is it to be free-spirited? Is it because it tastes better when you're barefoot? I decided to do some research...

The Real Reason

The story behind the name is that in 1965, California winemaker Davis Bynum crushed grapes barefoot in his garage and thus, the first wine, Barefoot Bynum Burgundy, was born. Davis Bynum's company, which operated out of his garage, took off from there.

The History

In the ripe year of 1986, entrepreneurs, Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, took the reigns and renamed the company "Barefoot Cellars." From here, the iconic barefoot symbol was stamped on the bottle and no one ever looked back. Today, there are over 30 wines, including a line of Bubbly and Spritzers.

What You Should Try

The pink moscato. Always the pink moscato. But if for some godforsaken reason they're out of it, go for the plain moscato. Just as good, but not as basic. If I'm doing wine night with the girls, it's pink moscato. Always. But if it's a mixed group with different alcohol preferences, the plain moscato will satisfy everyone

As Barefoot says, "there's no limit to how far your vine will grow..." Therefore, pour yourself another glass. Barefoot says so.