
This Awesome Video Shows That Wanting a “Perfect Body” is Pointless

Cassey Ho, a fitness trainer on YouTube under the username blogilates, has proved that body shaming affects everyone. You’d think that someone with over two million subscribers and works out for a living would have no insecurities, no haters.

She says in a previous video about fat shaming and body image disorders that she the need to be strong and fearless because she’s a role model, but inside, she’s just another girl.

In her newest video, she shows us that even she is affected by negative comments.

After Instagramming a post-workout selfie, she’s stunned and hurt by the comments about her body:

Photo courtesy of YouTube

She then decides to Photoshop out all of her “flaws” to create the “perfect body” her viewers want:

Photo courtesy of YouTube

Photo courtesy of YouTube

She posts a new Instagram with her “new and improved” body, not telling anyone that it was Photoshopped:

A photo posted by Cassey Ho (@blogilates) on

But even with this “perfect” body, she still gets hate:

A photo posted by Cassey Ho (@blogilates) on

People still call her fat, but people also call her anorexic. And some praise her for her thigh gap, saying that this is their “body goal.” There’s no winning with this crowd.

Her caption: “How are we to know what kind of beauty can be naturally achieved when everything around us is so deceiving?”

In this world where everything is Photoshopped, how are we to know what’s real and what’s not? The body we’re hoping to achieve is most likely fake. Instead of seeking to get that “perfect body,” we should be seeking to be our healthiest selves.

Watch the whole video here:

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