
A Leaked Video of an Applebee's Bartender Shows How the Dollarita Is Made, and It's Mostly Water

Last week, I was pretty pumped to learn about Applebee's selling margs for only $1 for the entire month of October. Although in high school I used to frequent the spot on Friday nights to share an appetizer platter with the crew, these days I was more pumped about the fact that these are cheap af margs. Like, I don't care if it takes me six subway stops and a transfer in the city to get there.

But that excitement kind of slowed down recently when an Applebee's bartender decided to ruin my dreams and actually share the recipe for the Dollarita (and show how it's kept in some questionable buckets).

Although he won't reveal the videographer, The Bitchy Waiter first posted the video on Facebook on Friday, Oct. 6. Since then, the video has garnered over 13 million views, and has been shared countless times on Twitter and Instagram. A quick search of #dollarita will bring it up almost instantly. 

According to the video, Dollaritas are made by mixing together one gallon of margarita mix concentrate, a one gallon bottle of well tequila, and three gallons of water to fill a five gallon bucket.

Although I think the initial shock viewers like me are experiencing comes from the amount of water mixed in, and the fact that it's in some shady-looking buckets, it's probably clean and it's probably how most mass-made margs are mixed. Think of it like your typical college party juice. Seriously, you could probs use this recipe the next time you have your thirsty friends over.

Honestly, for $1 though, you can't expect to be getting a top-shelf mixed margarita. So whatever, I'm over it. I'll see you at Applebee's.