
8 Human Snacks That Are Safe for Your Pet to Eat Too

I know I’m not alone when I say that my pets LOVE to eat human food. In fact, it almost seems like they get bonus points for eating it off my plate or out of my hand. While we should always be cautious of what we feed our miniature best friends, these pet-friendly foods are great to share. Just remember that everything is good in moderation.

1. Peanut butter

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Peanut butter is a great source of protein for both humans and pets. It contains heart-healthy fats, vitamin B, niacin, and vitamin E, all of which can help keep our pups running smoothly.

#SpoonTip: Choose raw, unsalted peanut butter, as it’s the healthiest for canines.

2. Cheese

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Cheese is one of my dog’s favorite treats. It is best to share cheeses that have a low or reduced fat content, so cottage cheese is a-okay. And don’t worry: only a small percent of dogs are lactose-intolerant, so as long as your dog has no noticeable reactions, she should be fine. If sharing with a cat, it’s best to use harder cheeses like cheddar, Swiss or Gouda.

3. Baby carrots

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Carrots, and especially the baby kind, are great for a dog’s teeth. They are low in calories with a high fiber content, making them a great, healthy option for both of you.

4. Apple slices

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Apples are another great treat for your pup’s teeth. They can help clean any leftover residue off, making their breath fresher. These too are a good source of fiber, with an added bonus of vitamin A and C. Apples are also a great snack for cats, as long as the slices are de-skinned and chopped into smaller pieces.

#SpoonTip: Make sure to remove the core and seeds fully, as they can be a choking hazard for both cats and dogs.

5. Yogurt

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Yogurt is a great way to improve your pup’s digestive system. Just as advertised for humans, it is full of protein and calcium. Just make sure the yogurt of your choosing is non-fat with no added sweeteners or flavors.

6. Green beans

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Green beans are a great snack if your pup needs to shed a few pounds, as they are high in fiber and low in calories. This is a healthy way to share with your best friend, without making them gain the Freshman 15 with you.

7. Blueberries

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Blueberries are one of the best summer treats for your pets! All you have to do is pop them in the freezer for a few hours, and out comes a cool, icy treat that you can share with both your cat and dog.

8. Pumpkin

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Pumpkin is both low in calories and high in fiber, making it a great treat for both dogs and cats. Incorporating them into their treats is fine as long as it’s in moderation.

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