I don’t know about you, but food is definitely the highlight of my birthday. Well, any day for that matter. But this explains why my mom despised birthdays when it came to bringing it snacks for the class.

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I could literally never decide on what I wanted, which often meant she found out the night before and had to scramble around to make it happen. I mean, it was my birthday right!? I recently asked some of my fellow ’90s babies what special birthday treats they remembered bringing to school and here’s what we came up with.
1. Number Donuts

Photo courtesy of @earnestdonuts on Instagram
What could possibly be better than donuts? Donuts shaped for your age, and covered in sprinkles. Duh. One of my personal favorites, I always ordered the strawberry, but snacked on chocolate when classmate brought them in too.
2. Cookie Cake

Photo courtesy of @greatamericancookiecompany on Instagram
Chocolate chip cookie AND a cake?! Yes, yes, yes. This was every kid’s dream. Even though I didn’t eat the classic plain old chocolate chip cookies by themselves, something about this cake always got to me. Maybe the sprinkles. Seeing a trend here?
3. Lofthouse Iced Sugar Cookies

Photo courtesy of @putthisinyourmouth on Instagram
I was never a huge fan, but everyone also thought these were the bomb-diggity. Maybe it was picking from the large color selection, or licking off the thick frosting from the super soft cookie, but there used to be legitimate fights over the last of these bad boys. Even in my high school, my team threw some punches.
4. Cupcakes Made in Ice Cream Cones

Photo courtesy of @yumcakescupcakery on Instagram
I was first exposed to these in preschool when my best friend’s mom made them for her birthday. Of course I had to have the exact same ones (sorry, Mom), and the trend developed from there. Is it ice cream, is it a cupcake? Guess you’ll have to taste them to find out.
5. Otter Pops

Photo courtesy of @jordangoody on Instagram
I’m totally guilty of this one because I currently still have my freezer stocked with these bad boys for the summer, but I remember having these as birthday treats and fighting for the blue ones. Because, well, blue is the best. What better nightmare for teachers: little kids consuming colored sugar water. YUM.
6. Dixie Cup Ice Cream

Photo courtesy of schwans.com
Whether chocolate, vanilla, both, or with a fudge swirl we all know the best part of these was eating them with the little wooden stick.
7. Dirt Cups

Photo courtesy of @mamatiffs_ on Instagram
Sure, dirt cups don’t sound like the most appetizing snack choice. But what could be wrong with pudding, Oreo crumbles, and sour gummy worms!? As kids, we didn’t even think twice before shoving these delicious treats in our little birthday mouths.
8. Italian Ice

Photo courtesy of @marinositalianices on Instagram
Most popular with the late spring/early summer birthdays, this treat was a perfect birthday refresher on a hot day. Especially since they had so many varieties such as lemon, chocolate, cherry, watermelon, etc.
Moral of the story? Birthdays were the absolute best, especially when we got to share these special treats with our classmates and teachers.