
6 Reasons to Join Spoon at West Chester University

Spoon University is an international, university student founded, food community for college students and food lovers. I found it through a Buzzfeed article a year ago and have been obsessed with it ever since. I decided to try to bring the organization to West Chester Univeristy last spring semester...And here we are ya'll. With the help of 300 signatures, our Marketing Director Rachel Rimmele, our current Photography Director Amanda Saleh, and our hard-working writers, we've become the boast-worthy chapter we are today. 

Spoon University at WCU is a group centered around the fun and experiential value of food. Plainly, if you love food it'll be the best decision you've ever made. If any of this is making you think "yes this is for me," great, here's where to apply. If you're still on the fence, here's why you should join.

1. Eating

Can anyone say noms? In joining this chapter you will meet a chatty group of people that love to try new foods, talk about things they've made, and hear about your experiences as well. Of course, not only do we talk about food, we eat it together too—at monthly events that include the entire chapter.

2. Connections (are major key)

Being a part of Spoon at WCU means you are also a part of something much larger than yourself. With chapters all over the United States (and the world) you can connect with students that have the same interests as you, whether that be video production, writing, posting, or taking photos.

3. The uniqueness of West Chester

It's safe to say that everyone at our beloved Dub C loves our town just as much as the school, so enjoying the restaurants and shops West Chester is home to just comes naturally. At Spoon WCU we love to embrace local eateries and often connect with them through events, articles and social media

4. Media skills

This semester (and every semester) at Spoon WCU, we are intent on developing a team with explosive photography and videography skills and we need a Videographer Director for our chapter. Interested in taking on these a media role? Specify that in the area of interest when you apply!

5. Are you ready to write?

Interested in sharing your favorite restaurant and grandma's famed recipe with the world? Do you love to write and want your love for food to be published (oh hello, resume)? The WCU Spoon chapter needs contributors who can write with style, passion and impeccable grammar.

6. Our big spoon

We won ours from Spoon Headquarters last semester. It's a fun prop—and the best for taking Instagram photos with—but it's also a symbol of the hard work our chapter puts into our content.

We're a team. We share our love for not only food, but local events (holla for Philly), hang during and outside of Spoon events, and WE HAVE A HUGE SPOON. 

Do I have your attention now? Apply today!