
6 Easy DIY Food Costumes to Throw Together This Halloween

Halloween in college means making your own costume, because who has the time or money to go out and buy something elaborate? Plus, if you're reading this, you already love food just as much as I do, which means you should definitely wear a food-inspired Halloween costume.

From a Fruit of the Loom family to a melted ice cream cone, I've given you a bunch of options to create your best DIY Food Halloween costume below. Read on to find your perfect Halloween costume!

1. Whataburger Number

While this isn't inherently food, we live in Texas, where Whataburger is the king of fast-food chains. If some of the (possibly intoxicated) people I walked past on Halloween last year are a fair judge, people love this costume.

I highly encourage you to go with this one, and it's also extremely easy to make. Take two pieces of paper, punch holes in them and string them together like you're a walking A-frame. Paint stripes on each side, print out "Whataburger" and a number (the font can be downloaded from font sites such as and voila, you're done. 

What you need: 2 pieces of orange paper, white paint, painters tape, a printer for the letters and the number circle, string.

2. Cotton Candy 

How cute is this costume? This is the perfect costume for anyone who loves sugar and millennial pink. To make the costume, you basically just take the stuff that you put into pillows and teddy bears, spray-paint it pink and hot glue it to a cheap dress. You can follow the instructions through the link in the photo above, but it looks like an adorable and super easy costume to make. 

3. Melted Ice Cream Cone

I really don't think it can get easier than this — find a white dress or a pair of white pants and a white shirt in your closet, print out a bunch of colorful sprinkles, cut them out and tape them to your outfit. To make the hat, you need a piece of brown construction paper. Form the construction paper into the shape of a cone and tape it. Then attach it to a headband and you're in business. 

4. Fruit of the Loom Group Costumes

The Fruit of the Loom group costume idea is a great option for a group of friends or family who are looking for a cohesive Halloween costume. It's also super cheap to make, and you'll look really cute. This costume also elicited a huge reaction from people on Halloween night a few years ago, so you're guaranteed to get a lot of praise for something you spent very little money on and didn't have to put that much effort into. 

What you need: Giant t-shirts (in yellow, orange, red, purple, etc), thick black markers, white paint, plastic headbands, construction paper, scissors, hot glue.

5. Slice of Pizza

Yet again, this is a super easy costume to make because it's really just two giant pieces of paper. It also works great as a couples costume if one of you wants to go as a delivery person, and the other as the pizza. You can make the A-frame like the Whataburger number, but this time using triangles. After the A-frame is completed, you can decorate the "pizza" with whatever toppings you want (but please don't put pineapple on it). 

6. Juice Box

Okay, let's be real — this is the easiest DIY food-related Halloween costume by far. You'll need a colorful dress or t-shirt, plastic wrap and white paper. You probably already have all three of these in your apartment/dorm! Just cut a giant straw out of white paper, tape it to your top and then put the plastic wrap over top. Bam! You're a juice box. I'm not kidding, this is the easiest costume on the list. 

Hopefully now that you've gone through this list, you're ready to take on the Halloween season with an adorable, easy-to-make costume. Since food = life, take it to the next level with your Halloween costume.