
4 Easy Ways to Make Your Favorite Summer Cocktails Healthier

If you love cocktails and are trying to be healthier this summer, there are some low-key substitutions you can use in your favorite drinks to reduce fat and calories. With just a few simple swaps, you can enjoy your summer cocktails while still making healthy choices.

1. Use Lemon-Lime Soda

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This substitution is perfect for margaritas and other sour citrus drinks. Tequila works unbelievably well with this swap out. It can be used for frozen margaritas or non-frozen ones, it works either way.

Personally, my favorite soda to use in these cocktails is Sprite Zero. Where you would normally be using margarita mix, or sour mix, just use your favorite lemon-lime soda.

2. Use Natural Fruit Juice

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If you’re a vodka person, then this is perfect for you. Citrus and vodka are a flawless combination, but most of the citrus cocktails come with tons of sugar. This doesn’t have to be the case. Using the fruit is natural and allows you to know exactly what you are putting in your drink. Any fruit works, whether its lemon, lime, grapefruit or strawberries.

Simply replace the fruit juice you would typically use with the actual fruit. You can squeeze the fruit by hand, or use a juicer to get the most out of your fruit.

Put ice in a glass, fill a third of the glass with vodka and another third with your natural fruit juice. Add some slices of the fruit over the top and enjoy.

3. Mix Wine and Liquor

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Wine? Liquor? Two great things. While combining amazing things doesn’t always make for a better product, these really do. Combining two kinds of alcohol eliminates the need for high-calorie juices and mixers. In mixing wine and liquor, you create a bold and yummy flavor without the added sugar and chemicals that come in artificial cocktail mixers.

Rosé as the wine works especially well because it has a light summery flavor and a gorgeous color. Try to use a plainer liquor, such as vodka, so you don’t overwhelm your drink.

4. Find Plain Drinks You Like

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Whatever you want to drink, remember it will be healthier if you can avoid mixing it. The more things you put in your drinks, the more sugar, calories, and chemicals are going in it as well.

If you are looking for low calorie and low carb alcohols stick with wine, vodka and tequila. Tequila has even been thought to have some other positive effects.

Want more cocktails? Check these out: