Oh, quarter systems. We love to hate them. And as semester system schools finish the year and begin their summers, I can’t help but feel a bit frustrated.
I mean how is it possible that they can enjoy summer and we’re stuck here studying for midterms? I guess it’s just another day in our glamorous lives.
Here’s a few thoughts I have on the subject.
1. Can I be done with school???
We quarter system students have had enough. Midterm after midterm, paper after paper – please put us out of our misery!
2. Nevermind, you guys can keep your finals.
Yeah on second thought, as much as I want it to be summer I’ll pass on taking finals right now thank you very much.
3. I still have a month to procrastinate.
Finals are still a month away. Plenty of time for me to study and re-learn everything I didn’t pay attention to this quarter, right?
Oh wait, I have a midterm next week? Plus two papers and then another midterm a week before finals? COOL.
5. Why did I choose this school?
What was I thinking going to a university with a quarter system? Did I want to go through all this pain and suffering? Thanks a lot past me!
6. Who even invented the quarter system?
Who decided that week 10 “mid”terms, 2-week winter breaks, and stressed out students were good ideas?
7. Well, I have an extra month to work on my summer bod.
Expectation: Goes to the gym everyday and eats healthy.
Reality: Never goes to the gym and goes to Taco Tuesday every week.
8. “No, I’m not home yet. I’m still in school.”
As your friends and family start calling and texting you asking when you’ll be free to hang out, you have to tell them the great news that you’re still in school. Thanks for rubbing it in, guys.
9. Serious FOMO from all your semester friends hanging out.
Every social media post you see is of your friends from home hanging out and having the time of their lives while you’re stuck in the library, studying for your millionth midterm of the quarter.
10. And then trying to make plans with your semester friends is the biggest struggle.
“My internship starts at that time.” “I’ll be working my summer job then.” “I go back to school after that.” Making plans with your semester friends is a nightmare and will most likely give you a headache.
11. At least I get to take a lot more classes.
It’s nice to be able to take 3 or 4 more classes than semester students every year. If you’re like me, and it took you two years to realize what you wanted to study, you have a little more cushion room in a quarter system.
12. And I don’t have to spend 15 weeks in a class I hate.
10 weeks in physics versus 15 weeks in physics? I’ll take 10 please.
13. No school again until September!
After all this heartache we will be free until September – aka the best month of the year – aka my birthday month.
14. But then you remember having to spend a month friend-less as semester kids start the new year.
You’ll die of boredom until that last month ends up becoming road trip month – visiting all of your friends on their campuses and enjoying their fall festivities.
15. But you’ll take all of that over becoming an adult any day.
I can barely think about my last year of college, let alone think of what I’m going to do after. I’ll do anything to delay graduating and becoming an adult.
16. In the end you just gotta embrace it.
At the end of the day this is your school and your quarter system. As much as it may annoy you, it’s like family. And by your second year, you’ll be a pro at the system – as well as complaining about it.