Is there anything better than hi-res foodtography that makes you wish reaching into the photo and taking a bite Willy Wonka-style was possible? Between foodstagram, blogs, and foodie Snapchats, grub-related social media has basically become an art form.
Here are 15 food photos that look so stellar it makes you want to cry:
15. Gooey Cheese by the Ocean

Photo courtesy of @losangeles_eats on Instagram
A picture of grilled cheese capturing the oozing goodness is worth a thousand words and a thousand+ likes.
14. Do You Want to Build a Milkshake?

Photo courtesy of @blacktapnyc on Instagram
Rumor has it the hype for these milkshakes at Black Tap in NYC results in a 2+ hour wait in line. Clearing your afternoon schedule has never tasted so good.
13. Haleiwa Matata

Photo courtesy of @haleiwabowls on Instagram
There’s nothing basic about these açaí bowls. One way ticket to O’ahu, please?
12. Sweet Slice O’ Mine

Photo courtesy of @indulgenteats on Instagram
A classic dish, an elegant photo, a very hungry me.
11. Viva La Brunch

Photo courtesy of @snackiegillum on Instagram
A breakfast bowl with all you could ever need – maple bacon, polenta, and parmesan.
10. Twist & Dip

Photo courtesy of @eatcoast2 on Instagram
I bet you were wishin’ National Pretzel Day was every day right about now.
9. Chocolate + Peanut Butter = Match Made in Heaven

Photo courtesy of @meghanrienks on Instagram
Kinda wondering what the clean-up situation was for this Reese’s cake to get this photo, kinda want to cry at its beauty.
8. Bagels in the Sky with Dumbo

Photo courtesy of @omgitsbomb on Instagram
Is the East Coast the best coast? Judging from this rainbow bagel photo, the answer is yes.
7. Caramel Crazy

Photo courtesy of @befatbehappy on Instagram
I will gladly be fat and very happy with this cinnamon sugar/caramel sauce duo from Black Barn Restaurant.
6. Cheap Dills

Photo courtesy of @theoriginalpdx on Instagram
Everyone’s favorite chicken & pickles on a buttered bun combo with equally stunning photog skills.
5. Stack of Macs

Photo courtesy of @nutmegandhoneybee on Instagram
*Signs up for a macaron making class ASAP.*
4. Too Shellfish to Share

Photo courtesy of @foodwithmichel on Instagram
Being broke is slightly less painful if it means eating this lobster roll every weekend.
3. A Melting Spectrum

Photo courtesy of @wrightkitchen on Instagram
Summer calls for melting popsicles for a rainbow ombré photo session, duh.
2. Let’s Toast to Avocado

Photo courtesy of @sobeautifullyraw on Instagram
If avocado toast has never made you cry of happiness before, it sure has now.
1. Tart in the A-yer

Photo courtesy of @nomcitybetch on Instagram
After seeing this beaut, you’ll never not take a picture of your food in the air.