Two words: Blake Lively. I’m convinced she can do it all. She’s the gorgeous Upper East Sider who managed to share a one-size pair of jeans with her friends throughout an entire summer, live life without aging a day, survive a great white shark attack and is also a baker/food lover. Saying she’s my idol is an understatement. Oh, and did I mention she’s married to Ryan Reynolds? Yep, definitely the definition of #GOALS.
Naturally, I was inspired to narrow down the 12 reasons why Blake is the ultimate foodie. And no, this was not a consequence of binge-watching Gossip Girl for the third time on Netflix…or maybe it was?
1. She designed her own flawless kitchen

Photo courtesy of @blakelively on Instagram
Of course, having such an impeccable personal style, Blake decided to design her own kitchen. Like most of us foodies, Blake understands that the kitchen is the most important part of a home. In her own opinion, the kitchen is actually the family room.
2. She attended a workshop at Le Cordon Bleu

Photo courtesy of @lecordonbleuparis on Instagram
Blake was part of a tailor-made workshop where she learned French culinary techniques with Chef Franck Poupard. She dreams about going back, but this time for a few months to learn more from the “gods of food.”
3. She claims “Life is better with butter”

Photo courtesy of @blakelively on Instagram
Blake’s statement regarding butter could definitely qualify as one of the greatest quotes ever, following Julia Child’s “You can never have too much butter.” These two women defined my life mantra in a sentence. She especially loves European butter (Plugra to be exact) just like the Georgetown Cupcake sisters.
4. She follows a normal diet, unlike many celebs

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We’ve all read those “This is what you have to eat if you want to be like [insert celebrity of your choice],” and if you’re anything like me the only word to pass through your head after reading the diet is madness. Blake actually follows a normal diet and balances it off with exercise and will power. This is what you should, and shouldn’t eat, if you want to eat like her.
5. She “rubs truffles on her nipples”

Photo courtesy of @blakelively on Instagram
Well, that was obviously a joke that people on the internet took seriously (gotta hate people who don’t get sarcasm). What she really meant when she said this at a press event was that she’s trying her best not to raise picky eaters, and that’s foodie mom goals right there.
6. She created a limited edition S’mores cupcake for Sprinkles

Photo courtesy of @sprinklescupcakes on Instagram
Not only did she create a delicious cupcake for Sprinkles, but she also made it for charity. All proceeds from this cupcake were donated to Oxfam, an organization that works to create lasting solutions to the injustice of poverty.
7. She’s a chocoholic

Photo courtesy of @blakelively on Instagram
Instead of coffee, she settles for hot chocolate in the mornings, with whipped cream of course. Her favorite place to get it is The City Bakery in New York. If Blake happens to skip her morning cup, she finishes the day with a few squares of dark chocolate.
8. She’s close to well-known gourmands

Photo courtesy of @blakelively on Instagram
She’s been spotted with Martha Stewart, Mario Batali, and she even had Season 3 winner of Top Chef, Hung Huynh, give her a personal cooking lesson in her own home.
9. She bakes too often

Photo courtesy of @preserve_us on Instagram
When asked if she baked in her 73 Questions Interview with Vogue, she answered “too often.” In fact she mentioned that her hubby calls their home “The Blakery.” It is also rumored that her gorgeous kitchen holds all the cake-decorating tools one could dream of, which makes sense considering she always bakes her own birthday cake, and also bakes for fellow celebs like Beyoncé and Taylor Swift.
10. She discovered the best mac & cheese hack ever

Photo courtesy of @blakelively on Instagram
While she clearly knows her gastronomy and enjoys high-end food, sometimes our girl craves the ever-so simple and comforting Kraft Mac & Cheese. But unlike us, Blake makes it interesting by making hers with a little cream cheese and a splash of cream rather than just milk. Yes people, we’ve been eating mac & cheese wrong our entire lives.
11. She once made Ryan Reynolds smuggle an apple pie through airport security

Photo courtesy of @vancityreynolds on Instagram
When you break the law because of food, that’s when you know you got it bad. Ryan Reynolds confessed in an interview on The Graham Norton Show that his wife once made him smuggle a bunch of apple pies from his hometown of Vancouver just because she loves them.
12. She knows good pizza

Photo courtesy of @blakelively on Instagram
Like any well-respected foodie, Blake is a pizza connoisseur. That’s why her favorite slice is in one of NYC’s finest: Patsy’s Pizzeria. She even stated that she wants to be cremated in that oven…too far? Probably Blake, but we still love you.