
This Epic Dining Hall Dessert Will Hit the Spot Every Time

Going to the cafeteria day after day can put a serious damper on your food-oriented creativity. Dining Hall desserts never seem to hit the spot, and students nationwide are left feeling full from meals that leave them questioning if the food they just ate is even real food.

Here’s the good news. If your cafeteria has a microwave, and you have a sweet tooth, you’re in for a treat. Seven-Layer Bars and Rice Krispy Treats are delicious but unfeasible for the average cafeteria-goer. For that reason, Spoon has formulated the perfect microwavable treat for you. If a Rice Krispy treat mated with a seven-layer bar, it would birth this unreal dessert.

Here’s how to make it:

1. Get a bowl

Big, small, whatever you’ve got. A cup will work too.

2. Get your favorite cereal

Photo by Natalie Marshall

We’ve used Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Rice Krispies, and Pops, but get creative and use whatever you’re craving most.

3. Add chocolate sauce

Photo by Natalie Marshall

Head over to the ice cream area and sprinkle some chocolate sauce on top of your cereal.

4. Add marshmallows

Photo by Natalie Marshall

Put some marshmallows on top of your creation – we suggest not going too crazy because these bad boys know how to expand in the microwave.

#SpoonTip: You can also use marshmallow sauce. Some cafeterias have marshmallow sauce that we’ve sprinkled on top when available – definitely not necessary, but can be a fun topper.

5. Heat it up

Photo by Natalie Marshall

Throw your bowl into the microwave for 10-15 seconds, stir, and enjoy.

Photo by Natalie Marshall

More ways to make microwaves your best friend: