
Make Your Movie Night POP with These Creative Popcorn Recipes

Popcorn is perhaps one of the best snack foods ever made. It's light, crunchy, and you can eat a whole lot of it! There are many ways to make popcorn such as on the stove, in the microwave, or (my personal favorite) in an air popper. You can pick up popcorn kernels in the bulk section at your local grocery store and make them however you like. Unlike many other snack foods, popcorn kernels don't go bad unless they're exposed to light and moisture. To keep your kernels, put them in a sealed container and leave them in a dark pantry space (not in the fridge). 

Here are some of my favorite twists on the traditional popcorn recipe, many of which you can make with ingredients in your spice drawer or in your pantry! 

Birthday Cake Popcorn

Not that you need to have an occasion to celebrate the deliciousness of popcorn, but a good movie certainly is one! This recipe uses boxed cake mix, sprinkles, and melted almond bark- so you're sure to get a birthday-cake flavor immersed in crunchy popcorn goodness. 

Sriracha Popcorn

Add sriracha, butter, and a little salt to your popcorn for a spicy treat! You can also add a hint of lime zest to perk up the flavors a little bit more. 

Cookies and Cream Popcorn

OREOs make everything better! This recipe uses crumbled OREO cookies and white chocolate. 

Sweet & Salty Maple Toffee Popcorn

This flavor is Vermont-y, with a nutty twist! 

Sour Cream and Onion Popcorn

Pull out the dill, onion powder, and garlic powder for this rendition of a classic chip flavor. For a vegan-ized version, use powdered soy milk instead of powdered buttermilk. 

Loaded Candy Bar Popcorn Mix

Although this recipe leads you to believe that it's all just a sugar rush waiting to happen, you can modify this recipe to include more flavors than just sweetness! Try adding salty pretzels, M&M's, cereal, and peanut butter chips to incorporate texture. 

Buttermilk Ranch Popcorn

For a ranch-flavored popcorn, combine ranch seasoning packets, dill, popcorn, and oil. 

Coffee Caramel Popcorn

Pick your favorite espresso powder for this recipe & you'll be transported back to your favorite java-filled moments. 

Pizza Popcorn

This recipe is full of cheesy and tomato-y goodness! The Italian herbs really make the acidity of the tomato paste pop! 

Jalapeno Bacon Popcorn

If you're looking for an upgraded savory popcorn, this jalapeno bacon recipe is right for you! 

Sweet & Salty Curry Popcorn

Curry is one of my favorite spice combinations: it's warm, soothing, and- belongs on popcorn? Who knew? 

Cinnamon Roll Popcorn

I can't think of anything more soothing on a Sunday morning than a cup of coffee and a warm cinnamon roll. Now you can enjoy the flavor of cinnamon, vanilla, and decadent sugar with the added crunch of popcorn!