
Defeating the Love/Hate Relationship with Exercise

I should workout today, but I don't feel like it. Oh, the amount of times I have thought this is uncountable. Every other week there is a new study about the fastest and easiest way to shed excess pounds, get toned, and look your best. No matter how fast or easy they claim after a week or so of trying a new workout routine I begin my love/hate relationship with exercise. Ever since YMCA sports, I have maintained an active lifestyle for 14 years and counting and want to share my tips and tricks to defeating the love/hate relationship with exercise and have you start to love your workouts

Step 1: Find Your Motivation

This is the most important step. It's what will keep you inspired and motivated to stick with working out. Motivation is what drives you to achieve a goal. Physical progress, the endorphins, training for a bigger goal, like a marathon, or mental health. Motivators differentiate for each person. However, NEVER workout to punish yourself, move your body because you love yourself and want to celebrate how incredible your body is. 

Our bodies do so much for us and we often forget to thank it or give it love because we are too busy pointing out what we don't love. Take a second and remember how awesome our bodies are. Your body allows you to breathe and do what you love. I always think without my 4' 11" body I wouldn't be able to dance, laugh, read, eat, talk, run, cook, adventure, have sex, take pictures, and do more of what I love and brings me joy. The human body is incredible and your motivation to workout can simply be because you love yourself and want to take care of yourself. Also, I have learned this through experience, you can love yourself and still want to physically improve. So find what drives you and go.

Step 2: Choose Your Location

Location, location, location. There's a reason real estate emphasizes on this, and it's because it matters. The location of your workout is up to you. You don't need a gym membership to get a good workout in and love your workout. You can exercise at the beach, the gym, the park, the mountains, the bike path, the pool, the track, the garage, the bedroom floor, or in bed–we all know that's the most preferred. My point is, you can workout anywhere, but it's up to you to decide where you will get the best workout. In fact, location can be a motivator. For me, running outside along the beach makes me want to run to see more of the world's beauty. Switch it up and enjoy where you sweat

Step 3: Pick Your Style

Pilates, barre, spin, zumba, water aerobics, running, HIIT, cross fit, boxing, hiking, yoga: the options are endless, but just like location, it's up to you. You just have to love your workout. I get tired of the same workout everyday, so I change it up regularly. One day I may run along the ocean, the next day I may complete a HIIT session, the day after I may participate in hot yoga, and so on. Exercise doesn't have to be dreadful, it certainly can be enjoyable, find a style or more that make you love your workout. Don't do an exercise that may work for someone else if you don't like it. What's the point if you won't stick with it. Working out is meant to be fun and not a task, incorporate it into your day.

Step 4: Decide Your Group Size

You can love your workout in a group setting, partner, or smash it out solo--no matter what size you decide, make sure it works for you. Group exercise classes may also motivate you since you're among others, or grab a friend and push each other, or best yet, encourage yourself

Step 5: Get Moving

Now it's time to put all the steps in action. Put on your favorite active wear, turn on your favorite music, start moving, and love your workout. 

Working out doesn't have to feel like a task, find what makes you love moving and embrace your body. It only takes a few simple steps to love your workout and defeat the love/hate relationship with exercise.