
How-to Nail Easter Brunch Like an Actual Adult

Easter has become one of those holidays that gives me an excuse to eat excessive amounts of chocolate and dress in spring colors, contrary to my ever-so-typical all black outfits. 

It is also a time to hang with friends or family and a great opportunity to host a celebration. With low funds and/or low skills you can dazzle the masses by hosting a brunch; cheap and cheerful.

Brunch is probably one of the best creations ever – when else can you get soft-poached eggs, French Toast, and a tuna melt and not feel judged? Except, most people, A.K.A. me, feel intimidated even thinking about the fact that one day, when mom and dad don’t want to host anymore, they will have to take on the job of making the best Easter Brunch known to human kind. 

I am not here to say that this will be the be-all, end-all brunch that would make Julia Child flip-over in her grave, but if you can nail these basics, you’re already making some #BIGMOVES.

Plan. Plan. Plan.

When you head off all excited to Trader Joes, go with a plan. Not only when you are grocery shopping in general, but this way you can focus your mind on what actually needs to be bought. Trust me, you don’t need to buy Cookie Butter this time around. 

Booze Can Be Great, But Not Always Necessary

With Easter, I feel you can hold off on the loaded brunch. Besides, Grandma might not totally approve. Know who your audience is and if you think they 1. Won’t ever come to your house again if there are not bottomless mimosas and 2. How they handle their liquor. This will be a no-barfing zone people. 

There Is Nothing Wrong with Not Having Your Own Recipe

Spoon, Food Network, and Epicurious are your friends. Trust. You don’t need to experiment in the kitchen this Easter – leave that for a night when your homework just can't bring you in and you want to spice up your life.

Here are some great recipes that I have used, so you know they’re legit, duh:

Brunch-Friendly Pancake Skewers

Strawberry & Banana Oatmeal Bake

Fruit Salad with a Twist

Ricotta Avocado Toast 

Fontina Cheese Frittata

Apple Citrus Quinoa Salad   

Set The Table the Night Before

There is nothing worse than being in the middle of making some cinnamon buns and realizing that company is on their way and the table is a mess. Before any gathering, I always make sure to clean the house and set the table the night before. It makes life so much easier the day you’re actually making food and like trying to #adult.

The Dollar Store is Your BFF

Balling on a budget? This is your time to not only make the table cute, but to find some secret gems to decorate your house with no matter what the occasion. The amount of decorations my roommates and I have purchased at the dollar store is absurd. If there is some sort of cause for celebration, we go full out. Buy some plastic Easter eggs and some spring recyclable plates (less clean-up, HOLLA) and you’re going to look like Martha Stewart in no time.

Don’t Stress 

You can always ask someone to bring a dish, or even assign a friend to bring the drinks. If they ask if they can do anything, accept their help. There is nothing wrong with getting some help, or an extra dish on the table. If it sucks, just make sure you make it very clear that it is Sally’s dish…you don’t need that negativity immersed in your food. 

Now go-out, do your best, and make that Michelin Star brunch. We are all in this together.