
Make the Most of Your Leftover Halloween Candy for National Candy Day

Halloween candy aisles can be impossible to resist, and if you're anything like me, you'll go to the store for dinner ingredients and return with pounds of candy. However, once Halloween is over, where does all this candy go? If you aren't buying half-off Halloween candy at your local grocery store, here are several ways to use up that leftover candy. Your friends will thank you.


Halloween may be over, but these candy-adorned cupcakes are perfect for any time of the year. Whether you have leftover gummy worms, Snickers, Reese's peanut butter cups, or M&M's, add them on top of your cupcakes with these great recipes. No one will notice that you're simply using up leftover candy.


Think outside the box and drink your candy instead of eating it. These candy-inspired cocktails will wow your guests and easily use up your leftover candy. The cocktail recipes use Milky Ways and Reese's, but you can get creative and use any candy combination to make some sweet drinks. You can also leave the alcohol out and simply make a blizzard concoction.

Dipped Pretzels

These snacks use your leftover candy in two ways: first of all, the actual candy stuck on the pretzels, and secondly, the chocolate dipping sauce. The recipe calls for almond bark, but if you have leftover Hershey bars or other forms of plain chocolate, you can melt those instead. You're saving money and getting rid of more candy: a win-win all around.


Whether you're looking for a breakfast to cure your hangover or simply want to start your morning off sweet, these pancakes are full of any candy imaginable. M&M's, Snickers, Kit Kat, you name it: add the candy of your choice to the batter and the result will be a pile of baked, chocolatey goodness.

Candy-Stuffed Cookies

Why settle for plain sugar cookies when you can stuff candy inside? These recipes are great for students on a budget—all you need is a tube of cookie dough and leftover candy. The result is cookies that look like the mouthwatering picture above, and you can make several batches until you're out of candy.

Candy Donuts

For all the breakfast fans out there, your candy usage isn't limited to dessert. In addition to candy in your pancakes, add some on top of your donut for a morning sugar rush. The simple addition of candy will add some extra flavor to a previously plain donut, and your options are limitless with candy toppings. You can't find these at Dunkin' Donuts.

These are just a few suggestions to use up leftover candy, but with these ideas, there are tons of possibilities. When in doubt, take a food you enjoy eating, and add candy in some form. Without throwing any candy away, you can effectively use up leftover Halloween candy and treat your friends to delectable desserts.