
How To Eat Like Justin Trudeau And Achieve His Disney Prince Look

Justin Trudeau looks like a Disney Prince Rockstar and everyone is crushing on him. I mean, have you seen those wavy locks? That smile? Those eyes? The man has looks that are so hot, they're melting the polar ice caps! But don't worry, he has a plan to combat climate change. 

You may be asking yourself, "What the hell does this man eat that makes his hair so shiny and his teeth so sparkly?" I have some answers.

First, it should be noted that the complete diet and eating habits of any dignitary or politician is sensitive information, especially if it involves an allergy or food sensitivity. This might be why very little information is known about JT's food preferences. 

However, based on an article by the Huffington Post, we know that he prefers beer over wine, likes Asian food, and doesn't drink coffee. Wondering how these habits impact his killer physique? Stay tuned.

1. Don't drink coffee

The fact that Trudeau doesn't drink coffee is shocking because Tim Horton's is the lifeblood of many Canadians. However, coffee can spike your cholesterol, ruin the quality of your sleep, and stain your teeth. Looks like by cutting out coffee, Trudeau has stayed healthy and perfected his pearly whites. 

2. Choose beer over wine

Preferring beer over wine might be a strategic choice in maintaining Trudeau's appearance. There is science to suggest that rinsing your hair with beer will give you fuller and thicker hair, which could account for Trudeau's glamorous locks. Beer also has a high potency of Vitamin E which maintains healthy skin and can slow down the aging process. This might explain JT's clear complexion. 

3. Eat Asian-style cuisine 

Trudeau's favourite food is Asian food and his favourite restaurant is Sakura Gardens in Montreal. According to their website, Sakura Gardens is an authentic Japanese sushi restaurant. Sushi involves high quality proteins that can boost metabolism and strengthen the immune system and could be the reason that Trudeau stays so fit. 

4. Use food to give back 

Trudeau understands that, despite being a necessity, good food is not equally accessible to everyone.  In response, he has volunteered his time at food banks to help individuals in need and bring people together through food. I'm not saying his philanthropic work has improved his looks... but I've never seen a bad-looking sorority girl. 

5. Appreciate the diversity and culture within Canadian food

While dining with American Top Chef, Kristen Kish, JT talked about the diversity and culture within Canadian cuisine. He said, "What we have in Canada is an amazing diversity, but it really comes out in our food. And its a challenge to try and fall into what is typical Canadian food because, well, there's no typical Canadian." He also noted the importance of talking to locals when looking for food recommendations while traveling across Canada. Trudeau's words indicate an appreciation for, and deep understanding of, Canada's regions and their respective, unique cuisines. Brains and cultural awareness is sexy. 

The secret is out. Trudeau's eating habits and foodie instincts make him the gorgeous man that made all tweens decide that Bieber was their second favourite Canadian Justin, and the one that all Canadian moms want to dip in maple syrup. 

Oh Canada. *Sigh*