
5 DIY Face Masks You Can Make With Food From the Dining Hall

Whoever said my acne would end once I got to college got it wrong. From breakouts during finals week to the infamous pimple from eating one too many slices of pizza, we've all been there. And sometimes the organic face mask our cool aunt got us for our birthday doesn't do the job.

Luckily, DIY face masks are one of the solutions to the "acne in college" problem.  Plus, they're foolproof for all the chemistry-challenged individuals (like me) out there. The most important thing is that the ingredients for DIY face masks can be found at your college dining hall. And because you go there, like, everyday, it is beyond easy to grab these ingredients that will leave your skin feeling fresh. 

1. Go Bananas to Reduce Redness

Mash up one ripe banana, two tablespoons of raw oatmeal, and a dollop of honey (or water if honey isn't offered). Mix it all together and voila! A redness-reducing acne mask. 

2. Yogurt to Tighten Your Pores

Yogurt helps in killing germs and dead skin cells, prevents breakouts, tightens pores, and has a bunch of other beneficial results. Combine a scoop of yogurt with three tablespoons of orange juice and apply to the skin.

Then, set a timer for how long it takes for the yogurt to slide off your face. Just kidding, but that stuff is slimy. After about 15 minutes, rinse your face with some warm water. Pimples and pores, begone! 

3. Exfoliate with Brown Sugar

This face treatment is so easy that it hardly needs explanation. Mix some brown sugar with a small amount of oil or water (coconut oil is preferred). Then, scrub away!

4. Brighten with... Mustard?

Now, this a weird one. But trust me, it works wonders on your skin. Dab a bit of mustard (not the spicy kind!) to your forehead, nose, and cheeks. Wait about 5-10 minutes, do a little dance, and rinse with some warm water. This totally brightens and revitalizes the skin. 

5. Eggs to Energize and Moisturize

Which came first: the lotion or the egg? Eggs have been proven to have reparative and moisturizing properties for our skin. Combine a whole egg, a squeeze of lemon, and honey (if you have it). If you have oily skin, only use the egg white. Then apply the egg scramble to your face. Wait about 30 minutes for this one, it's an excuse to watch another episode of Friends. After the time is up, your face will be left feeling softer than a baby's bottom.