
Conquer Any Study Session With These 6 Tips

Preparing for exams is a mission in itself. It's hard enough to sit at your desk for hours trying to re-learn a semesters worth of information. Many use coffee to get through exam season, but if you're like me and can't handle coffee, here are six tips to help you conquer any study session.

1. Get some sleep

You have been hearing this for years, but in order to remain alert and energetic throughout the day,  you’ll need at least eight hours of sleep. Sleep gives your brain a break; in fact, it helps you retain and process information. Missing out on a couple of hours of sleep can hinder your ability to concentrate, recall information, and decrease your reaction time

2. Turn off your electronics

You may think your phone doesn't have an impact on your studying, but it is a constant distraction. Many of us take breaks during studying; however, we inevitably end up watching cat videos, taking quizzes to determine which Harry Potter character you are. By the time you know it, it's 3 am and you’ve only read the first sentence of your assignment.

The amount of work you'll get done by not constantly scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook is tremendous.

3. Get the Self Control app

If your school requires that you access reading material or workbooks online, this can be a bit tricky. However, you can steer clear of temptation download the files you need, turn off your internet and jump right into studying. Mac users can enable the not disturb mode or airplane mode.

If your work requires you to go online, get the Self-Control app! This app blocks any website(s) you list and lets you adjust how long you would like those websites to remain blocked. This is a painful yet effective way to stay focused

4. DO NOT study on or near your bed 

The coziness, softness, and warmth of your bed will have your body begging you to give into sleep. Keep your study materials off your bed; your bed is for sleeping and not much else, really.

#SpoonTip: Study with a lot of light. This will trick your brain into thinking it's day time and give you a study boost. Your environment affects how you study, so I repeat: do not study on your bed.

5. Remember to eat

Your body and brain constantly need energy, regardless of whether you are moving or sitting still. After hours of studying you may forget to eat, causing you to get tired.

Always keep healthy snacks with you; they will help you get through long study sessions. Avoid snacks high in sugars or simple carbs, while these may provide a quick fix by quickly spiking your sugar levels momentarily. Once the sugar high wears off your body will crash, leaving you with little to no energy.

6. Get some Vitamin D

While you may be on a roll with your studying, make sure to get up and stretch your legs after an hour or so. Staying indoors and depriving your body of sunlight will only cause fatigue. It’s important to get a little sunlight every day; sunlight can reduce the risk of diseases, boost your mood, and help fight depression

In addition, just getting up and going outside can get your blood running. Getting your blood pumping will not only help raise your energy levels but also improve brain function.


These six tips will help you conquer any study session. Regardless of how intense your workload is, make sure to give yourself body and mind some rest.