
9 Ways To Up Your Sangria Game Before Summer

We’ve all experienced it: you’ve just gotten out of lectures, it’s a beautiful sunny afternoon, and you kinda sorta maybe wanna get drunk (because you’re in college, and why the heck not). And what drink is more fitting to that purpose than Sangria? You need a crowd pleaser: something that requires little effort, but looks fancy and deliciously drinkable.

Sangria is a beautiful mixed drink from our Spanish and Portuguese friends (thanks, guys). EU regulations actually state that Sangria can only be sold as Sangria if it is produced in Portugal or Spain (so we totally know it’s legit). Despite this, there is some debate about how Spanish Sangria actually is due to its slightly confusing origins. However, there is no denying that the wine based cocktail is associated with long, lazy afternoons sat on a beach or in a Spanish plaza cafe.

When I was in Seville over spring break, I was more than happy to sit back with an ice cold, fruit filled delicious glass of the stuff everyday. Then, I came back to Scotland and Spain, sun, and summer never seemed so far away as I stepped of the plane to grey skies and the impending vitamin D deficiency. So here are 9 recipes to prepare you for those summer parties and get you in the mood for tipsy days and long Summer nights.


1. Classic Sangria

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We’ll start off with the classic recipe. This is a typical red-wine based version which tends to be served in Spanish restaurants. While there are always slight variations but this is the OG Sangria.

2. 5 Ingredient Spanish Sangria

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This is a great recipe for if you’re in halls of residence and don’t have room to keep a lot ingredients hanging about.

3. Brandy Sangria

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It can be common to add a spirit into Sangria to give it that special something. This recipe uses brandy which is quite traditional and gives an ever so slight warm nudge to the drink.


4. Sangria Slushy

Photo by Kelly Logan

Look no further for perfection as you have found it in this incredibly easy 4-step recipe. After a bit of blending, the end result is a bright, beautiful and boozy slushy perfect for getting tipsy poolside.

5. Nectarine and Strawberry Pink Punch

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The prettiest Sangria at the party. This effortlessly beautiful pitcher will not only impress your friends because it just looks so goddamn gorgeous but also get them drunk. So, basically, a win-win situation.

6. Raspberry Rose Sangria

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This recipe is probably the most refreshing way to get drunk. Think about it: cool crisp flavours as you sip merrily away, the sun beating down on your face and all your troubles melting away. Please just give me summer already, seriously.

7. Dining Hall Sangria

Photo by Grace Goettman

Impressed? This clever idea to utilize ingredients found in your college dining hall to get drunk is nothing short of genius. Feel free to add a shot or two of harder liquor that is lying about your room for an extra kick.

8. Apple Cider, Pear and Pomegranate

Photo by Rebecca Buchanan

Despite being a relatively autumnal drink this take on Sangria is also perfect for summer, maybe swap out the cinnamon sticks for some fresh mint.

9. White Sangria

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The addition of sweet peaches to sharp white wine is always going to be a stellar combo. The raspberries will not only add a little kick to your cocktail but a burst of colour that looks great in a pitcher as your summer centerpiece.

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Let’s get drunk!

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