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Amy Yi
Amy Yi

5 Ways to Incorporate Nuts and Seeds in Your Diet

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Quinnipiac chapter.

As the squirrels gather nuts and seeds for the winter, it’s the perfect time to increase these super foods in your diets as well. Nuts and seeds are considered super foods because they are concentrated with protein, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Adding nuts and seeds into your diet is also a great way to get a high energy dense fuel source for vegans and vegetarians. Just remember, we’re talking about nuts and seeds that are minimally processed and unsalted.

So, here’s 5 ways you can add nuts and seeds into all meals throughout the day and up your nutritional intake.

Chia Pudding 

Chia seeds are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. “Chia” is a Mayan word for “strength” and these seeds provide your body with sustainable energy. They are high in antioxidants, quality protein, and have more Omega-3 fatty acids than salmon, gram for gram. Chia seeds are also high in fiber, which feeds the good bacteria in your gut and helps prevent the ruthless stomach bug. 

To make Chia Pudding, combine 1 cup of water, or milk of choice, with 1/4 cup chia seeds and let sit for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add additional flavors such as cacao powder and peanut butter or toppings such as fresh berries and granola. Try these Coconut Chia Parfaits made with coconut milk.


Nuts and seeds
Lindsay Peckham

Walnuts are full of protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that reduce bad cholesterol, improve metabolism, posses anti-inflammatory properties, and slow the spread of cancer. 

Nuts are the perfect topping for oatmeal because they add the perfect crunch factor to creamy oats. Find the recipe for this bowl of Chunky Monkey oatmeal along with many others in my ebook Not Your Average Oats


Hemp seeds, also known as hemp hearts, have similar amounts of protein by weight to beef and lamb. 2-3 tablespoons of hemp seeds is equivalent to 11 grams of easily digested protein. This form of plant-based protein is also a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, Vitamin E, and other minerals. 

Throw a tablespoon or two of hemp seeds into any smoothie to add a more natural source of protein than commercial protein powders. Try this Pumpkin Pie Smoothie because it is the season of pumpkin spiced everything.


Flax seeds contain two types of dietary fiber, Omega-3 fatty acids, and high quality protein. They help reduce risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure, decreasing bad cholesterol, and increasing good cholesterol. Flax seeds also contain up to 800 times more of a group of nutrients called lignans than other plant foods, which reduce the risk of cancer. 

Ditch the bad cholesterol in eggs altogether by substituting it with flax eggs in any baking recipe like these Lemon Blueberry Muffins. To make a flax egg combine 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds and 3 tablespoons water and leave the mixture sit for 5 minutes, or until thick. 

#SpoonTip you can use chia seeds to make a chia egg using the same ratio of seeds to water. 


Cashews are naturally cholesterol free and are high in vitamins E, K, and B6 as well as many minerals such as copper and iron. These nuts protect your eyes from cataracts, help prevent cancer, and aid in weight loss when substituted correctly for saturated fats and eaten in moderation.

Fresh Moxarella Cheese is by far my favorite creation using soaked raw cashews and really show off their versatility. It takes 5-10 minutes to make and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Who knew reducing your risk for heart disease could taste so good.

Give these few recipes a try or become inspired to incorporate other super foods in your diet this Autumn. Your body and overall health will surely thank you. I guess we can say squirrels were definitely ahead of the curve on this one.

Lindsay Peckham

Quinnipiac '18